Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Did You Know?

Say you owe interest on a $1000 balance on something (say your credit card) and you go out and spend $500 more and you pay back the $500 that month. You don't pay any interest on that $500 do you? You do! Everytime you make a purchase interest is collected on the total amount (the entire $1500) so the banks or companies are charging you interest that you really shouldn't be paying. They went over this little-known fact at an insurance finance class Julie invited me to. It was actually really cool, and they were so enthusiastic about it it almost made me want to either join the company or buy insurance. Did you know that if you delay five years buying insurance, the amount you pay each month can increase significantly? They calculate based on the time you have left before they pay you, such as the years until your retirement for your retirement fund and the years you have until you reach the life expectancy for life insurance, and the less time you have the more you have to front each month. It's pretty interesting to see how the numbers work out.

I also went to a Taiwanese supermarket today. It's got to be one of my favourite stores; filled with both Asian and North American food, very neat, and fairly cheap. It's in Markham too, which dad says isn't too far from Hamilton, so you know where I will be shopping often haha.

Not much to report in regards to movies. Mike wanted to see Daredevil and so we watched that. I had already seen it a while ago when it was out in theatres. It was an okay movie. Not the best, but not the worst either. I don't like it as much because it's so unrealistic. I mean he's blind living as a lawyer who tries to help people that's poor and no one else will help. One person even pays him in fish! And yet he has this super-cool totally high-tech house, cool outfit and weapons, and money and resources like he was the CEO of some major company. Just doesn't fan out.

Not that the other comic book characters are very real-life either, but they're more realistic. Take Spiderman for example. He got bitten by a radioactive spider and attains the abilities of a spider, taking care of the need for weapons. That's good though, because he's poor, still living with his grandmother and earning what little he has from odd jobs. The only thing he needs is an outfit and he makes that himself. Personally I think if he wanted to make more money he should've been a designer, but I guess even a pizza boy looks better in the comics than someone who's a designer by day and fights for justice at night.

I love Batman though. No superhuman powers, just a lot of furious training. Got all his money from his parents who were killed tragically. Actually, according to the movie, it was through his butler, who is like his backbone. His outfit he made himself too, but you know where he got his money and resources to be able to do something like that.

And everyone knows about Superman. Born in another planet, sent to Earth as a baby, raised by human parents living on a farm. Has extraordinary powers such as superhuman speed and strength, laser-beam eyes, skin tougher than bullets, and can only be beaten by kryptonite. He's only a newspaper journalist which is good because he doesn't really need anything other than his outfit either, which I'm sure he got his adoptive mother to make for him, since she knows about him and everything.

Anyways, that was my little rant about the unlikelihood of Daredevil.

By the way, my brother Mike got the job! I'm so excited for him. He starts on Wednesday, because he wants to do some shopping first (he needs to be well dressed for this; he's going to be a salesman). Hopefully he becomes successful with the company. His ability to speak Mandarin really helps, and he says that if they need to go to China he's their pick.

Oh and hope you enjoyed the first full day of spring! Tomorrow it says the weather will be a whopping 14 degrees in Toronto; not sure what it will be like in the Maritimes but I wish you the best!


Vinnie said...

wow, that's a long blog. That's great for Mike, just think, soon you'll be working for Google! =P

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