Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I Don't Care; Today Is Still Tuesday

So I missed the post for "today" by nine minutes but close enough.

What did I do today?

Woke up early and farted around for the morning and part of the afternoon. Mike had a job interview (!) and so dad and I dropped him off and when he was done we all (including Julie) went to the Bayview Shopping Centre to browse around. It's a really fancy place; they even play jazz to set the mood haha. There's some really nice stores in there and if I ever become a gazillionaire please remind me to return to actually shop!

Then we went to a Chinese supermarket, which is always a fun trip because there's so much to look at. The shelves are always stocked full to the brim of everything and most of the stuff is like imported from asia so there's always something new and cool that you've never seen before. Dad even bought green bean and taro popsicles, which sound gross if you've never had them but if you had oh man are they ever good! I remember when I used to live in Taiwan in the condo across the street was a convenience store (surprisingly not a 7-11; that was down the street) and I'd always beg my parents to let me go across and get a red bean popsicle from the big freezer that they had and that was like the best thing ever. Actually now that I start thinking about it I'm starting to remember all the other good food from Taiwan so I'm gonna hurry and wrap this up before I starve since dad made a new rule and I'm not allowed to eat before bed. Figures that two days in after arriving in Chinese food galore I'd be put on a diet. Arg.

Anyways so yesterday Mike and I went to the library and I got a new library card (shh they don't know I'm not actually from Toronto!) and rented a bunch of movies so today we watched 28 Days (with Sandra Bullock), which has got to be one of the best movies ever, and Notting Hill (with Julia Roberts), which is an also a great movie.

Mike just went to bed and so now I think I will too, since it's late and we have to be up early because Mike has another interview/a bit of orientation tomorrow and he also finds out whether he has the job or not so please pray hard for him and also for Canoe Cove Christian Camp as they are hitting some red tape with the government, with the building, and also with the cost of the project. (Whew try saying that sentence 10 times fast!)

Have a good one!


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