Saturday, March 24, 2007

Last Day

It's hard to believe that I'm leaving tomorrow. In some ways it feels as if I've hardly been here at all and in others it feels as if I've been here forever.

I wanted to spend time with my family, so Mike and his friend and I went to the mall for a bit in the afternoon, and then dad booked an appointment for me to see a career counsellor about "my future." It was a good talk; both me and dad are pretty stubborn but I can see it from both sides so I don't know. I hope he has a change of heart. I will find out tomorrow I guess.

Watched Casino Royalle. Pretty predictable. The girl plays hard to get, he gets the girl, they fall "in love," he is betrayed, she dies. Sorry for the spoiler but really if I could call it before it happens then you know it's obvious. I feel bad for him though; there was such a big controversy about him becoming the next James Bond. But he's got a few more movies to go.

Anyways I better get to bed; I leave an hour after church and I'm not even packed yet. Or did calculus. Wish me luck on that two-hour flight!


Vinnie said...

so how many attempts did your father or his girlfriend get you to go to or read something about careers over the week?

sandy said...

a lot haha

i'm not very "focused" :P

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