Sunday, March 04, 2007

On Break.

After being practically dead yesterday (in bed all day recovering from the cold.. and on such a beautiful day too!), I've gone clean-crazy. All day I've been cleaning my room, a major feat indeed. But now finally I'm taking a little break. A little time to sit, relax, and take a deep breath.

But then I got thinking. About the future, about next year, and about the years after. This is what grade 12 and two sets of parents does to you.


It looks pretty certain that next year I will be going to Maritime Christian College. I did not get accepted into McMaster and York, although they were the first to send me a confirmation e-mail and also multiple e-mails afterwards, telling me of their news and happenings (which I thought was very nice of them), doesn't really appeal to me, since it doesn't offer all of the courses I'm interested in taking. Nothing compared to University Of Toronto, which is where I'm aiming to. And which I doubt I will get accepted to. I did get accepted into Ryerson, but for an arts major, when I specifically applied to science. And plus the courses they offer are minuscule, especially when you compare it to the wide variety of U of T. Which also reminds me that I need to get transcripts sent out. Which reminds me that not only do I not know the dates for the deadlines that they need to be sent, but I also don't know the date of picture retakes. I'm turning too white!

So MCC is most likely where I will be. And as much as I want to go, it also scares the crap out of me. The more I think the less I realize I know. I don't mind sitting in class, learning about it, and doing tests on it, but to start teaching, speaking, and applying is something I find difficult to do in real life anyways. And because you're going to a bible college, you're expected to actually know this stuff! I can barely name off books of the bible, let alone know what's in it. Which tells me that I desperately need to continue reading. Funny how you can make time for things like cleaning your room and going out with your friends but when it comes to stuff like that there never seems to be a spare moment... but I digress!

Speaking of digressing, next year they're having a Greek class, which sounds really cool. I remember a few years ago Friend took one and I helped him study for learning the alphabet. I wonder if they'll even teach Latin. My math teacher from last semester could speak latin, and I thought it was the coolest thing. One day I will be fluent and then at my ten-year reunion carry on a conversation with him.

Anyways, if anything the next few years shall be interesting, as I struggle to figure out what the heck I want to do with my life. At least I have March Break plans finalized (for the most part). I leave by bus either on the 16th or 17th and return by plane on the 25th. Twenty-eight hours and forty minutes on a bus should be interesting also. Apparently they tell you not to take anything real valuable, which makes it sound a bit sketchy. Then again, you were told you needed one of those cash pouches that go under your shirt, which you really didn't.

Oh I like the song on the radio. I'll take that as a cue to get my butt back to work.

Have a happy Monday!


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