Friday, March 02, 2007

What A Day!

This will be one Friday to remember for sure.

Started out slow; had to get Friend to write me a note because it took me a while to get going and I was so late for biology. Psychology was fun, we watched a movie on animal experimentation and I'm pretty sure the mice could go through mazes faster than the average person, unless everyone is extremely smarter than me (don't answer that). For French we went out to the buffet at Pizza Delight for a farewell party; someone in our class is leaving. Which brings us down to.. 11 people haha. Calculus was good too. Was freaked out at first because I thought the quiz was going to be really hard and so we crammed all break but it ended up being pretty simple and I even finished it fast and got all but the last question on the assignment done too, which means almost no homework for the weekend :D

Then tonight Katie, Courtney, and I went to see Zodiac. It was an AMAZING movie. And not just for the fact that Jake Gylenhaal's in it either... or Mark Ruffalo (but you can have that one). It was a long movie but you didn't even notice it; you were on the edge of your seat the entire time.

And the drive home? Whoo man was it a ride! I swerved for the first time ever. And it was a SWERVE. As in some 180's, 270's, and definitely one 360. Thank God because the road was clear (for once on the corner of University and Belvedere) or else it would've been pretty bad. Looking back on the moment it was funny because Katie had just finished saying "..You've never swerved before, have you?" right when I was turning and it's a miracle in itself that Katie and I didn't wet ourselves because we had to pee SO bad (Courtney was the smart one that went before the movie haha). After that it was pretty smooth, considering I drove like 30 km the entire way. Well except for on the way home alone when there was this idiot riding my bumper for all of North River Road, so I drove 40. And I'll admit that I sang the entire way back and I made up some not very nice songs about this person. Well, consisting of "Holy crap this guy is an idiot/I wish he would get off my back/Man why doesn't he just go around/It's not nice to tail someone like that."

And that's pretty much the extent of my musical abilities haha.

So what am I doing now? Running up and down the stairs between the laptop and the phone making plans for Toronto on March break. I'm excited; I get to take a bus there and a flight back. Should make for a few interesting stories!

I love it during a storm; either inside or outside it is fantastic. Love it!

Anyways for all of those that wanted them here are the grad pictures. Personally I think they accentuate the fatness of my face (especially in the one where I was not allowed to smile) but at least they're funny.

[funny looking!] :P


Melissa Kendra said...

I love them! I like the top left and bottom right one the best. And from what I can see of your shoe in the top right one, I love them too, haha. You should definitely send me those pictures, I'll put one up in my locker!

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