Thursday, March 29, 2007

So Awake, So Early.

What, you ask, am I doing up at this time of day, when normal people are still in bed enjoying their well-earned R.E.M. sleep?

WELL, it all started at 8;12, when I woke up to hear the person on the radio saying, "...and we'll hear of school cancellations right after this." and then a song came on. School cancellations? I thought. Could it be? But I didn't dare to let myself hope. This was especially crushed after I peeked open my eyes for a little bit towards the end of the song and instead of that pink glare that you get with a big snowstorm it was just the plain normal white. So you can just imagine my surprise when the first thing they announce was the cancellation of school for the entire Eastern School District! I couldn't believe my ears and had to wait until it came on again just to make sure I had heard right. Sure enough, school was cancelled. For the day.


Quite a change from the spring-like weather we've been having for the past few days (9 degrees, sunny, and clear) but in some ways I'd rather this. There's something just exciting about a snowstorm. Especially white-outs. I remember all the sleepovers we used to have at my friend's house. One day in grade 10 there was a major snowstorm and a bunch of us were over at her house and we had the crazy idea to go sledding. And so, donning our jackets, boots, and snowpants (most of them borrowed) we took some sleds and went over by Grace Baptist School and had a blast down the hill, where at the bottom was a small river. It was so cold and so windy and so snowy it was great. Except as careful as we tried to be we went so fast that one of us actually fell in the river! It wasn't very deep but at the same time it was dangerous because it was so cold and so we rushed home to change and enjoy being warm again. Good times, good times.

So anyways after that good news every tired and heavy feeling that I had (and I was up late so you know I had it) lifted and I feel almost as wide awake as last night with those two coffees. BUT it is still not even 8:00 a.m. yet so I think I will go and force myself to sleep. You know, since school is cancelled and all. Thank you God!


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