Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I took a break from beloved calculus to check my email. And what do I find but the script for the Easter play this Sunday at Sherwood Church of Christ! I am just a little mouse, but I am super-excited for the part. At first I was saddened because I thought I wasn't able to go but thanks to a changing around of plans it's possible after all. Which makes for a very interesting weekend.

Anyways I just thought I'd blog to share some of the excitement. It's always been fun working with Upstairs Productions and I have a feeling this Easter will be one to remember (hopefully the kids feel the same!).

Well since I'm plugging for that I might as well plug for the MCC coffee house tonight (again). It starts at seven and if you weren't planning on going you should. I don't know what it's going to be like but there's food, there's drinks, there's people, and so it's bound to be at least mild-mediumly interesting. And you can always join us for the gym afterwards, which is a surprisingly fun way to end any night haha.

So there, out of excitement I have plugged the Sherwood Easter Celebration, Upstairs Productions, and the Coffee House so if you are reading this you had better be at all three or there will be serious consequences. Consequences such as my foot up your rear end in a very unpleasant way. I wouldn't recommend it.


Update (10:02 pm):

Oops! My bad, I wrote that the Easter Thing was on Sunday, but really it is on SATURDAY. Sorry for any confusion this might have caused, I didn't realise it myself until I was thinking about it when I was almost home and I was like whoa I just totally screwed up the days! So anyways, just thought I would make that clear.

While I'm here I might as well blog about how the coffee house went. It was great. If you weren't there you missed out on an awesome time. There was food, there was coffee, and there was games. There was also a secret auction which I was -this- close to winning but I totally suck at rock-paper-scissors and that's what it finally came down to. *Sigh*. But as heartbroken as I was, it was still a blast and definitely the two cups of official Starbucks coffee helped. Normally I don't get affected too much by coffee but whoo man after the first one I could feel that caffeine hit my bloodstream. The second one went down fast, and the shot of chocolate and caramel blend at the end was like pure sugar in the system. So you can just guess how awake and hyper I am right now haha.

Speaking of Saturday (earlier in this update), there's a benefit concert at the Carrefour Theatre at 7:00 p.m. It looks like fun and plus all proceeds go to the Canadian Cancer Society, which is definitely a worthy cause. Am I pumped for it? Yes! And it's not just the caffeine speaking either. So anyways if you are reading this I hope to see you there, or read the threat above (before this update). Well I'm going to bounce (maybe even literally) so leave a comment, call, or direct your thought-energies towards me (if you are in my biology class you will know what I mean; if not, the teacher believes that someday we will harness the ability to teleport our thoughts to each other - because if we can use the phone and the energy from the phone can transport thousands of miles, why can't we do the same with the energy from our brains?) and I will be sure to get back to you. Well maybe not if you do the last one - I have yet to master that skill in return. ANYWAYS have a great night and hope your tomorrow is just amazing!

HUGS x2.


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