Sunday, April 29, 2007

Making It Clear

When I wrote the last post I had just gotten off the phone with my dad and was kind of frustrated, scared, and feeling a little pushed-around. And maybe I made it seem worse than it was but I want to make it clear that I love my dad and I know he just wants the best for me.

Looking at it from his point of view, he doesn't understand why instead of going to university I would be willing to seemingly "throw it all away" for a year in a college he has never even heard of in a town that is barely on the map, regardless of what it teaches. And if it was me just wanting to take it for the heck of it and to basically just slack off for a year and jeopardize my chances of getting into university, then I can understand why he wouldn't want me to go. Plus I guess it's hard for people to understand why you would choose to go to a Christian college and learn about Jesus for an entire year. Especially when the only reason they see for post-secondary education is to land a well-paying job. So when you look at it from his (my dad's) point of view, it's understandable that he wouldn't want anything to do with me because if I was throwing my life down the drain he wouldn't want to have to carry the burden and be possibly dragged down with me.

Which in his eyes makes going to MCC for the first year basically as bad as getting pregnant lol. Anyways, I guess the bottom line is I will be in Ontario next year and even though it is kind of against my will it won't be that bad and if you want to visit me PARTY AT MY PLACE.

Plus, who says I can't go to MCC after I graduate since I am coming back to the Island anyways? Only 4-6 years to go (assuming) :D


Greg said...

I saw your post about your dad. I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about father-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Daddy's Little Girl.

Gregory E. Lang
Author, Why a Daughter Needs a Dad

Katie "the awesome" Clarke said...

umm... ^^^^ are you going to reply to that guy? that would be kind of cool. anyways i dont like your dad at the moment and its your choice to go or not.

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