Saturday, March 31, 2007

Saturday On A Sunday

Just got back from "Reign Over Me," which was an amazing movie. Sad, intense, and laugh-out-loud funny, it is definitely a movie worth watching. I admit tears came to my eyes during it, which used to never happen but I guess it happens more often now haha. Jill, Natalie, and I were originally supposed to go to the benefit concert but we didn't know how to get there, and by the time Florine dug out a map and we talked about it and other possible plans it had already started (by like 30 min) so we met up at Wendy's, had a coffee, chatted, and then went to catch the movie. On Friday I had gone to see "Premonition," the one with Sandra Bullock, with Katie and Courtney and it was a really good movie too (and no the ending wasn't weak at all), but if you were going to see one of the two I would definitely recommend "Reign Over Me."

So how did my Saturday turn out? Pretty good actually. Did the puppet show for Easter with the kids; it was interesting, but in a good way haha. Some people didn't show up so practically everything was last-minute changes and then we did our thing no practice or anything but it went all right and the kids didn't even notice lol. Plus it made for a few laughs and a few interesting stories and hopefully the kids got a lot out of it which makes it all worth it. And it was so cool at the end because we were doing this song and it had a bunch of actions and the kids absolutely loved it and after the leaders were exhausted after doing the song some of the kids went up on stage and lead it themselves! It was great!

At Sherwood they're now starting to build the new elevator which is really neat to see. I remember hearing Friend and some of the elders talking a few years ago about how much it was needed and at that point it was so expensive it seemed nothing more than just another dream. And now here it is being built. You can even go up to the balcony and see all the way down to the basement and, I've got to say, it's pretty cool. Terrifying (for me at least), but cool and it's awesome to see this dream unfolding. I really hope it will be the same for the camp!

Well anyways it's past midnight and I'm not making much sense so that's a good a cue as any to head for bed. Goodnight!


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