Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I'm starting to get so tired of it all. The whole "future" thing. It's like no matter where I go or what I do the complications just keep piling up. I can't stay here without this happening, I can't move there without this happening... and it seems the more I try to try to make light of it or not think about it the more it keeps popping up and the more things just get added on.

This is just me in a bad mood. Hopefully by tomorrow things will clear and everything will be peachy keen again, but right now it just feels so... hopeless. And I know it's not. I know that as impossible as it seems, everything will fall into place. God has done the impossible and He will make this even this situation possible if I let Him. But right now it's just so frustrating I just want to be completely and utterly selfish and get away from it all. Get on a bus and tell the driver to just keep 'er goin'. Thankfully reality isn't like that.

It's not like I'm living a bad life. I've been extremely blessed in every aspect of my life: I've got great family, great friends, everything I could possibly need, and an abundance of things I don't. And if there are rough spots so what? Everyone has them, and really I am lucky to have the ones I do. I should be grateful that my plate isn't all that big. So why am I complaining? I don't know. I think after I start breathing again things will be fine :)

Oh watched the best movie tonight: Galaxy Quest. It's hilarious, but I don't know whether I laughed more at the movie or at James N. getting right into it haha.

Anyways I'm off to study for the psychology test tomorrow that she just told us about today. Wish me luck - I'll need it!


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