Friday, June 01, 2007

Oh No.

So I was sitting at the kitchen table reading (my room is now officially too messy to be in... meaning I must do something about it soon) and when I looked up I noticed a small fruit fly on the tablecloth. Thinking nothing of it, I picked up a Melba Toast crumb (don't ask me how I know what type of crumb it was) and absentmindedly dropped it on the fly for no reason at all. Well after I finished the book I picked up the crumb not expecting to see anything there but there he was, that poor thing. Crushed with too much of a good thing. I am an accidental murderer.

"Seriousness" aside, today is the first day of June, and what a day it was. If it wasn't for the calculus test I don't think I would've gone to school at all, but I need all the marks I can get and even 72% is better than 0.

Walking home from school today I figured out a plan for "the future." No counsellor needed! I'd take the time to type it all out (it is short but lengthy, if that makes any sense at all) but since I missed my quota of reading a book a day every day yesterday, I have to get started on the second for today. I'm looking forward to my next read: when you read the back it doesn't really sound that interesting but it won a lot of awards so it must be!

Maybe for a summer job or something I could be a movie critic AND a book critic, at the same time. Get paid for doing stuff I do anyways doesn't sound like such a bad idea. But who would pay for a service that if they asked they would get my opinion anyways? Hmm.

When I was researching jobs for the French project, I came across this site where you can apply for a job to work for the QUEEN! Well the British monarchy. Like their footman and stuff. From the list of currently available vacancies, I am drawn to the job of General Assistant (Coffee Room). "Join the team responsible for arranging trays for tea and coffee, breakfast and other service requirements for Members of the Royal Family and their guests. You will ensure trays are set with the correct glass and porcelain and that drinks and food items are prepared and presented to the highest standards. You may also be required to assist with service and to travel to other UK residences." Sounds like an amazing summer job. And I bet the pay isn't too shabby either! Here's the site if you want to check it out:

Oh and if you were wondering what I picked for a career to research in French (because I couldn't think of the name for anything gerontology related)?

I'll type my speech out for you, since we are to have it memorized for Mardi (Tuesday) anyways:

D'être plombier est un choix de carrière très passionnant.

Pour être plombier, la formation requise est le certificate de qualification et quatre à cinq ans apprentissage. Les aptitudes recommadés sont la capacité mécanique, bonnes compétences de communication verbales, et utilisent des outils et l'equipement pour exécuter des tâches exigeant la precision. Les heures de travail sont cinq-jour par semaine, temps plein, mais de permanence, le travail de weekend et/ou de soir pourrait être exigé. La salaire de depart en L'Île-du-Prince-Édouard est onze à quatorze dollars par l'heure.

Les avantages d'être plombier sont l'haut taux d'emploi, pettite scolarisation, et travail indépendant. Les disavantages sont le risque de blessure, fournir de propres outils, et soulever lourd et les espaces resserés.

Je n'aimerais pas plombier parce que je ne peux pas exécuter de tâche exigeant la précision.

Because you really wanted to know!


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