Sunday, June 03, 2007


My dog Max has Cushing's disease, the exact same as Merlot had. Caused by an overproduction of cortisone by the adrenal gland caused by a tumor in the pituatary. In humans it causes obesity and excess hair growth. In dogs it causes increased appetite, increased drinking and urination, panting, bulging abdomen, and skin lumps, the same symptoms that Merlot had and that we now realize is in Max. It's a rare thing for dogs and curious how both of them have it, but I guess that's just how it goes.

Why is it that as people get older, that's when things start to happen? After years of hard work people should be relaxing and enjoying their retirement years, not struggling to live them! And then there are those who have to fight their entire lives to live each and every day. I guess it's the age-old question of why life is unfair but it's really frustrating sometimes. And scary too, to see what some people have to go through.

At my age you think that nothing is going to happen to you. When I hear someone say that I always think "Hey that's not true! I already know that anything could happen at any time. You don't need to tell me!" But even though I joke about it, who really does expect to die at any minute? I am in the process of making a plan for the rest of my life, and that doesn't include the chance of me dying every three seconds. They say to live every day as if it's your last. But I'm kind of an if-it-can-be-put-off-today-why-not-do-it-tomorrow kind of person. Not the best attitude but that's beside the point. I guess what I am trying to express is that although you may not die today or tomorrow or even for fifty years, don't be stupid and think you are going to live forever. Okay so it may not have anything to do with what I just rambled on about. But as I was typing I got a flashback of some people who were planning to drive getting "loaded" last night and it made me so mad and scared for them. In school a couple of weeks ago the police came to our school and showed a video of what happens when you get in a car accident from anything (not just drunk driving) and have to go to the emergency room. And if you are a guy then it sucks for you because they have to stick a tube up from where you pee all the way into your bladder, where the end of it inflates. If it looks painful for even a girl to go through (thank goodness we don't, I don't think...), I'd hate to think of what it'd be like for a guy. And if you got into an accident and you go to the emergency and all you have to worry about is the discomfort of a tube up your privates, then consider yourself lucky, because it could be much much worse.

So that is my "little" rant for today. A little random and sporadic but I guess that's just how I think :P


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