Monday, June 04, 2007

"Just Another Manic Monday"

There must be something in SPF 60 that instantly puts a smile on your face. Or maybe it's just the pleasure of knowing that you can enjoy the warmth of the day without giving a second thought about the consequences. Not that I'm really worried about skin cancer. No matter what studies say the sun is great and you would be even more sick being cooped up all day. For me, the worry is in the tan. If I'm not careful I will soon be brown as toast and for the past few years I've been slathering on the sunblock, trying to avoid it as much as I can. Don't ask why; one of my quirks I guess :P

Today school was great. Started off psychology by watching Shrek, so we can write about all the different topics it touches on relating to the course, such as love and friendship and all that junk. Then in biology we started the dissection of the fetus pig. Ours is so big! We measured her (it's a girl!) to see what age she was and though they are supposed to be born at 30 cm she is a wofty 33. I am fascinated at how colourful animals are on the inside. You'd think they'd be all reds and browns but there are vibrant blues and pinks and (in the frog) bright yellow! As fascinating as the pig is so far I still consider the frog my favourite. The golgi body (what was bright yellow) amazed me so much I wanted to take it home to show people. But that would be a little odd and certainly very gross and thankfully I decided against it. Still though, it was cool. I remember my partner and I were ahead of everyone else and so the teacher told us to cut all the way around even though we weren't supposed to and this stuff gushed out of it's back, similar to hummus with a lot of garlic (the little tiny grated chunks), but more fluid. And not as yummy smelling. Anyways I was reminded of that while cutting open Bertha (the pig, originally named Albert when we though it was a boy) because stuff gushed out but it was very very liquidy and a sort of gross diarrhea yellow. Stuff squirting out is fine and is expected, but with it that colour it just grossed me out a lot. But right afterwards we had a pizza party (thanks to raising the most money for safegrad!) with nine boxes of pizza and six bottles of pop so it was all good :)

Anyways if I decided to type out my afternoon too this would go on forever so instead I will save you the grief and get back to finishing my book!

Hope you had a great start to the week as well and be sure to enjoy the rest, because there will never be another one like it :D


Melissa Kendra said...

The poor piggy :( I feel bad for it. I'm definitely against disecting animals, I way too much of a softie. You had a pizza party right after you disected a pig? Was there bacon on the pizza?

sandy said...

nope haha but there was pepperoni!

the fetus pigs you dissect aren't bred just for that reason. they were inside the pregnant moms who were slaughtered and instead of just throwing them out the farmers donate them to the schools so the students can learn. though it's still pretty mean i guess it's not really that much different than when you dissect a person for science because they were dead anyways.

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