Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Toonie Tuesdays

Two days until calculus make-up test (mini exam). Exactly a week before exams start.

I think it's time to take some good advice from the good ol' grade nine days: "breathe!!"

Haha I *still* remember the last day of school when I jumped down those stairs for the last time and in the middle of my jump he yelled it to me and I near peed myself. Good times, good times.

Well today was an exciting day. Continued to disect the lovely Bertha, who has greenish poop in her small and large intestines (I know because I squeezed them!). Finished watching Shrek in psychology for love and friendship and tomorrow we are watching Finding Nemo to learn about parental love and communication. Sweet! Calculus was impossible as always and French we did our presentations and tomorrow we have to do one of those drug surveys so the government can put into their statistics all about how we are bad kids. Yippee hurray.

Did you know that your kidneys process through 1500 liters of blood a day and you pee out 1.5 liters of urine? That's one and a haf bags of milk! No wonder you have to drink eight glasses of water a day, sheesh!

The daily visit to my mom was a little more hectic than usual. On the way up there was this woman and her boyfriend (?) who started talking to me because she was asian and so was I. She was most interested in the fact that I was visiting my mom and she got excited and wanted to meet her. I saw the hospital bracelets on her wrist (I feel like such a detective) and knew she was a patient there and though I didn't think it was a good idea I didn't know how to let her off gently and thought that it wouldn't do any harm. Well anyways long story short my mom was in a bad state and when she saw these new visitors she was delighted in having someone listen (and probably believe x.x) her story about how badly treated I am and how I needed to be moved, and fast. Did I mention that before I came she had called 911? Let's just say that the nurses weren't very happy with her and had a "talk" about how she was not to do that. If you could call it a talk that is, since it was mostly them threatening her with jail time and her demanding to talk to the police. Anyways after the couple left (not to be rude or anything but it freaked me out having them there because they didn't know her and even though the guy hinted at how he knew she wasn't well, what if he believed her and they went to the authorities about this!) I had to have a stern talk with my mom about how she was not to call the police anymore and so hopefully that will take care of it. The nurses had asked to see me afterwards to make sure that everything was all right and I told them it was and not to worry about it, how she says those things all the time. And they said that they heard I was moving next year and asked a lot of questions about that and gave no suggestions other than that I need to think about what was best for me and best for my mom. As if I wasn't already trying to do that! Though the entire thing was only about an hour it felt much longer and, as much as I hate to say it, I was relieved when Friend dropped me off at the library and I was able to do something I know what to do and how to go about doing it!

As much as I dislike people telling me what to do (I know it's good but it irks me anyways), I would LOVE some guidance on how to go about next year. What's the best for my mom, for Florine, for my dad, my brother, for Friend, for everyone? I don't care what it would be, but if there was some way that would work out the best for those people I wish someone would just tell me so I could do it. I know right now I'm lacking in the "faith department". I should be handing the reins over to God and not worrying about it. And as much as I want to I keep fighting selfishly to keep the "controls" to myself. It's like what I want to do I cannot do, and what I don't want to do I keep doing. In Romans, when Paul says this, I remember being blown away. I mean here was Paul, the guy who practically wrote the entire New Testament, struggling just like everyone else. Chapter 7, I think. But then the next chaper, Chaper 8 (?), he writes about the freedom from sin that we have because of Jesus, or something like that, and I thought it was very cool how through his difficult times he still was uplifted and jubilant.

Wow this has been a lot more than I had been expecting to write. I think maybe my brain is just fried. Anyways I'll take this as a cue to start reading some of the books borrowed from the library! I asked about growth hormones and the only thing that came up in the search was a book talking about how to improve the sex life of the elderly. Not what I wanted in the least but it did lead me to the 613's, which is the non-fiction section for aging. Took out three books. One of them may even be useful!


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