Monday, June 11, 2007

One Of The Many Benefits Of Foster Care

As of this afternoon, I now have permission to leave the country, care of teacher and chaperone. My social worker dropped off the letters by today and now the trip seems much much closer. As stated in one of the letters, the government will even pay for any medical expenses that may pop up and/or transportation back to get treated in your own country (but probably only if it's serious). Pretty sweet deal!

Anyways it's such a beautiful day outside and I'm stuck at home studying for exams tomorrow (and the next day and the next day), which kind of blows. There is a bee continually buzzing outside my balcony door and is kind of freaking me out if he gets in here but last time I checked I'm pretty sure the door was closed... but if he does I guess at least I'll know whether or not I'm allergic to bees!

Yesterday after church we celebrated Father's Day a week early. The food was great and there were lots of leftovers which is a good thing too! One of the perks of living with a family with a fisherman: not everyone can say they had steak and lobster for breakfast!

Well break's over. Time to get back to slave labo - uhh i mean studying for exams. Yes, yes that's it.

(help me)


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