Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Prom 2007

Prom is overated.

But it was sure fun!

The day started out hectic, but that wasn't a surprise. What was a surprise was my hair: I ended up not getting extensions (there was no time!) and so when I arrived at my hair appointment I had no clue what could be done with it because I wanted to leave it down. So I trusted the hairstylist and practiced breathing when she not only took out a curling iron but also a crimper, along with a huge can of hairspray and though it took some getting used to it was fun having actual curly hair! Not a look I thought I could ever pull off but no one screamed and took cover (that I saw anyways) so it must've looked not bad. Courtney got her hair done at the same place and the same time and they did an amazing job on her hair. In our little "group" turns out everyone had curls except for Nancy but she looked really good with just her straight hair down and pulled back; formal and sophisticated but not overdone.

We all met at the Delta for supper and though everything that could go wrong did, it worked out really well. We were over thirty minutes late for our reservation, but as it turns out because we had booked so early they never wrote it down so that was no problem. Except that our private room was taken which we thought was the only one but then they took us to a bigger and nicer room, which I liked better than the other one. The food for me was excellent: I had the salmon fillet and it was crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, and though it didn't look like a big portion it filled you up. Katie had the pork loin rack roast, Nancy had the lobster quesidilla, and Jill, Vinnie, and Courtney had the chicken fettuccine, which only Vinnie really ate because Jill picked off pretty much all the toppings and Courtney didn't know there were noodles with the chicken. But it was presented nice and I think it was worth the heftier-than-usual price tag for sure. Oh and I have to mention this: Katie and I shared the chocolate triology for desert and it was holy-mackerel-melt-in-your-mouth chocolate. She loved the ice-cream part the best and I loved the chocolate but neither of us I don't think thought much of the breaded part but I think it was worth the $6 each just to have the experience of our prom dessert.

After taking a whack of pictures at the Delta, we mosied on up to the school for prom and at first we didn't want to even get out of the car there were so many people. You'd think we were The Beatles; practically all of Charlottetown was piled there on that street! You got out of the car and had to wait like five minutes to get somewhere to stand, it was that packed. It was awesome seeing everyone all dressed up and looking gorgeous and laughing at some of the crazy rides that came. Then the walk-in was just a long line of what seemed like almost every teacher in the school who shook your hand and congratulated you for graduating which took ten minutes just to walk through and then you went in the school and that was it. You were at prom. The school was done up real nice and it was great seeing your friends and the people in your classes and it was fun. It seemed like they had only played a few songs when it was midnight, the balloons dropped, and it was time to leave. Which kind of sucked but I guess that's a good indication of how much we enjoyed it!

After it was over Katie, Courtney, and I walked to my house from the school through the field and it was so nice just to be outside in the open and though it was windy and misting I think it just made it so much nicer that way. Anyways we all got changed, packed, and ready and at 1:25 a.m. this morning Friend and Vinnie drove us out to the cottage in Murray Harbour where we spent the night laughing, talking, playing games, and taking crazy pictures, not to mention our "pranks" haha. We didn't go out on the beach though because it was wet and too cold but it was still fun anyways. Vinnie and Jill went to bed early because he had to work at noon but the rest of us stayed up talking until 6 and got to watch the fishing boats go out and everything and it was fun. We even saw a rabbit out on the lawn! Actually, funny story, Nancy was talking about making a bonfire and hunting rabbits and stuff and all of a sudden a rabbit jumps out of the bushes and practically flaunts itself out fattening itself on the grass. Talk about coincidence! The four of us woke up at 8 even though we only had 2 hours of sleep, waited a while and woke Jill and Vinnie up (the sleepyheads!), packed up again, and then Friend treated us to breakfast at Berhaut's, the restaurant out in Murray Harbour. And then we all went home (with the exception of Vinnie who went to work) and I don't know about anyone else but I headed straight to the shower and then to bed, where I woke up at five and went out again.

So that was my past two days in great detail. Long post to make up for the long time without an update. Once I get a chance I'll post some pictures later on but until then... update your blog!!


Melissa Kendra said...

Your prom sounded amazing, I can't wait to see the pictures. I still wish I'd been able to go! With a certain someone for my date, of course! Hahaha. Oh well. I still can't believe you're graduated now! You still have to tell me all about graduation!

Jen Lohnes said...

Sandy I was just thinking of you tonight and wanted to check your blog to "catch up". I'm so glad I did!! Good to hear (and see with facebook pics) that prom and grad went well. I can't believe everything in that stage is all over so fast! Too crazy. We'll have to get together when I come over next time; perhaps in just a couple of weeks, I'll let you know. For now-take care; hope to talk to you soon.

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