Monday, July 09, 2007

I Woke Up It Was Seven...

I woke up this morning on a fluke; I had stayed up late the night before and though I remembered to set the alarum and to set it by the bed I still slept through it and, on the day of all days, I wake up with a burning throat. Sounds like the start of a completely horrid day, doesn't it? Actually my day was wonderful!

In VBS I am a leader for the best team ever: The Sunshine Mellow Yellow Lemon Monkey Pigs! The kids are fantastic of course and it's loads of fun, but one thing I can't do for sure is to learn a whole song of complicated actions on the spot, which was made pretty obvious this morning. But uncoordination-of-leaders aside, I've got a good feeling that everyone at the Space Centre will make it all the way to Level Five, possibly shattering a world record! If we were on planet earth that is...

Speaking of which, when asked to name a planet someone yelled "Pluto!" I near cheered. I'm still a little peeved of the scientists that demoted Pluto from being a planet. We grew up learning about Pluto, drawing Pluto, even adding it into our solar system models. Who are they to tell us after all these years that Pluto isn't really even a planet at all? Well I for one won't fall for it. Pluto will always be a planet to me, no matter what anyone says...

Want another pet peeve of mine? Cough drops. "Supposed" to be the saviour of throats everywhere, but it just doesn't do it for me. Halls makes me cough even more, the other ones just plain don't work, and don't even get me started on those anaesthetic ones (i.e. the ones that numb your tongue). I guess they must've thought that maybe if they distract you by giving you the sensation of having the strongest muscle in the body disappear you will forget all about your sore throat! Well nice try but no cigar. I accidentally bought a package and now I'm on my third one tonight to no effect. It's the throat you need to aim for. The throat!!

Well I must be overtired since I no longer make sense and am going cukoo over cough drops. I would say I'm heading to bed, but though it is already past nine I still have a long list of stuff I need to do before I can even think about bed. Namely:
1) Empty out suitcase and conduct a full-scale search for missing gifts
2) Return stacks of folded laundry into proper drawers
3) Watch VBS dvd and learn actions to all songs
4) Execute a complete full-frontal-backflip off of balcony
Okay one of those I made up. Can you guess which one? Me neither, they all seem equally difficult!

Ahh the pleasures of the onslaught of the flu...

Actually though with all my sarcasm it may sound like I was having a horrible day, but really and truly it definitely was wonderful. Tiring but well worth it!

P.S. Strawberry milkshake at DQ = Satisfaction, guaranteed!


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