Sunday, July 08, 2007

Beep Bop Beep

Today we celebrated Florine's birthday, which is really tomorrow. Church was fun too. Funny what you miss when you go away. Not that I didn't go to church when I was gone; in fact we went to one in Kyle called "The Lighthouse Christian Centre" which had about six older ladies and one older man but together they had enough enthusiasm in singing, dancing, and prayer than many churches ten times its size!

Actually in Scotland they have a lot of traditions. Up in Lewis we were at this park by the beach (think Dreampark except awesome-er) and there is a sign asking to "Please respect the Sabbath." When we talked to some teenagers up in that area, they said that hardly anyone watches even t.v. on Sundays, and even in Glasgow, the big city, all shops are closed. They close early during the weekdays too, at around 5:30. And you thought that was just downtown PEI!

Anyways church was cool, especially since now that summer has started there's no sunday school, meaning we can arrive late an hour later (sorry)! Plus the church itself was all decorated for VBS and just looking at it got me all excited. I know I have said this before but if you weren't going to VBS this year YOU NEED TO GO. It's going to be absolutely fantastic, what with the super-agent theme and all. Think "Spy Kids" except way better. You thought Jerusalem Marketplace was cool, check this out. It makes me wish I was six years old again, just for that very reason. I used to tell everyone I was going to be a secret agent when I grew up, so this is like re-living my dream haha. Anyways if you know anyone VBS age get them to go and if you aren't you should definitely help out, because it's going to be "out of this world!" (slight pun intended)


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