Thursday, July 12, 2007

Random Blurbs

I love naps. Something I definitely missed is stretching out in a nice cool bed in the middle of a hot summer afternoon, and then dozing off for a few. It's great when you're tired; even better when you're sick!

Another thing I'm beginning to enjoy is taking taxis. You meet and get to know some really neat people. For the past few months all I have to do is call and they know where I am and where I am going; it's pretty cool haha. And you always learn something new every time too, which is fun. Like for example, did you know that there's an island close to PEI that's practically uninhabited? Hardly anyone ever go because it's surrounded by rocks and you can't get to there by boat; you have to take a helicopter! If you ever need a vacation "away from it all" you know where to go haha.

Did you know that there's a push out to make internet and computer gaming listed as an actual addiction? I was reading an article not that long ago (maybe it was on the plane?) about people who get so hooked they stop showering or even eating. Crazy, but true. I guess pretty much anything can be addicting if you aren't careful. Gambling is addictive, t.v. is addictive, even sex can be addictive too, so I guess it's not really a big surprise that the internet is added on the list. Speaking of addictions, did you know that the most common one is caffiene? You wouldn't think so since it's everywhere but I guess that's the problem. People who drink just a regular cup of coffee every day can experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop. Kind of scary if you think about it. Good for those in the coffee business I guess!

After nine months of talk, Social Services have finally figured out four pages of terms for me to agree to and sign to be able to drive again. Considering it will take about two weeks for everything to be finalized and I leave in a month, it seems kind of pointless. But it was good of them to try and though it sucks that the other person that they were doing this for isn't even in care anymore, I'm sure it will make the process smoother in the future. Or at least not as long haha. One thing I know I will miss when I leave PEI is the people. They're what makes any place really. It doesn't matter where you are, in PEI or on top of Mount Everest, the people are what makes a place your home, and to me PEI is home.

Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine

Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me!


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