Friday, August 17, 2007

Finally Here.

After what seems like forever (even though the plane was on time! *shock*) I'm finally here in Toronto. It seems a little unreal to be moving up here; as I was talking to someone beside me on the plane we were talking about how nice PEI is and he said that Hamilton will be a big change. It's weird thinking I won't be back for at least a few months and only to visit. Even though I'm still "from away" PEI really is my home. After all I've lived there longer than I've lived anywhere else, consecutively or otherwise. And saying goodbye for a while is hard. But coming out of your comfort zone is how you grow and I know that this will all work out one way or another. Things have a way of doing that even when all seems impossible. Thank you God :) So I did a shocking thing when I came up here: I went to bed right when I arrived, which was around 9 pm. I guess I'm not really not used to having much sleep; I ended up waking up at 3:30 a.m. and have now been awake for a while. Woke my dad up by my meandering around and he stayed up with me for a little while but just went back to bed. A few nights of this and he will see how much I need my own apartment hopefully haha. Anyways we shall see.

Well I'm starving so I'm going to mosey on over to the kitchen and start raiding some food. Feel free to leave a comment or update your blog! :D


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