Saturday, August 04, 2007


Yesterday was Natalie's day off and she invited Jill and I to the beach with her. After searching for Tracadie we ended up going to Blooming Point (who everyone thinks for some reason is a nude one. Not quite sure why) and the water there was lovely. Clear of seaweed, rocks, and most importantly jellyfish (we only saw one!) it was great! Jill and Natalie swam out way above their heads and I learned how to float so it was a new experience for all of us.

Then the most amazing thing happened. After we had gotten out of the water, we looked up and you could see this huge dark cloud coming towards us. To my right the beach was perfectly clear and sunny. To my left it was darkening to a deep blue and purple. Listen closely and you could hear the soft rumble of thunder. Look carefully and you could glimpse short forks of lightning. On the insistence of Jill we started packing but me being the idiotic one gathered my stuff in my arms and just stood there and watched. For me it was worth it though. Because not even five minute later, you ould hear this whoosh coming from away and getting closer. Next thing you see is the water, which was perfectly calm before, starting to form white-capped waves rushing towards the shore. The wind hit the sand and out of nowhere a huge sandstorm arises, blowing sand all over the beach, all over the dunes, and all over us. We started running for the beach exit and towards the car, but it was the coolest thing I've ever seen. Walking through the dunes all the bushes were waving about wildly with the sand whistling past them and wow! Was it ever cool. I wish I could've stayed; how many times in your life do you actually get to see a storm hit in real life? It was so fast, and over so soon. When we drove out of the storm it was like snapping out of a dream: there was no wind, the sun was shining, and it was as clear as can be. Go figure.

Another cool thing that happened this morning was that I wrapped Pokemon Yellow. My friend was talking to me about Pokemon a couple of days ago so I started playing it too on my version and this morning I woke up, decided I was going against the Elite Four, and won second time! Would've won it the first except I was too rushed and hit fight when I should've healed my pokemon some and it got my last one. Anyways it was pretty cool; I never thought I'd ever wrap such a long game but I did and it's a good feeling. Except now you start back at the beginning, so it might be another long time before I start playing this again haha. But time will tell...

So that's my interesting day so far. Back to laundry, packing, and other miscellaneous things on the agenda for today. There's a recipe that I want to try but I need green onions. I think there's a convenience store nearby but I don't know where it is. Sounds like time for another adventure!

This is the part where you say "Wow Sandy you really are pretty lame."

Why yes, yes I am :D


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