Monday, September 10, 2007

The New Mix

Today was an... interesting day to say the least. Woke up and got ready an hour too early for class. Then went to class not knowing it was a tutorial and realized that we don't have one in archeology for three weeks. Went home, went to bed, then went to easy calc, which turned out to be a lot like grade 12 in that the prof went over the same stuff over and over again and in the same monotone voice. Then in psych met the T.A. who told us that we only have to show up for two classes in the week and that wasn't one of them. So got home early, made a balanced supper of potatoes, mix of frozen vegetables, and fried perogies (which is Polish by the way) and bummed around until going to the grocery store. We spent a surprisingly short two hours going through the aisles and picking out random stuff to eat, it was actually pretty fun. Came home, ate again, and we invented a mix of chocolate pudding and marshmallows, which wasn't that good but maybe it's just because it was no-name stuff. Anyways we turned up the stove to roast some marshmallows minus the chocolate, had a few fire incidents, and realized that I cannot do the math problems and so now I'm looking to switch math courses into something harder. Go figure.

So yeah, there's my day squished into one paragraph. Terribly exciting I know but such is life for the next six years I guess haha. Oh dear...


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