Sunday, September 02, 2007

These past few days have been nothing but crazy. On Wednesday I went to Oshawa to visit a good friend whom I haven't seen in a very long time. It was great; I got to ride on a double decker train, meet her family and boyfriend, and most of all see her again and have a good laugh about how little we have changed over the years.

On Friday I took a trip over to Toronto to visit my dad and brother. We went to Ikea and I finally got my bookcase, which I have yet to set up. It was good to see them again and eat some real home-cooked food but now I'm starting to get used to calling where I'm currently living as "home" so it's kind of nice to have a place to go back to that's your own. The room at least haha.

Last night I had heard that there was a meteor shower at 6am and so I convinced someone to stay up with me until then to watch it with me. After watching a movie and me accidentally falling asleep (oops) we went outside at 6 in the morning, only to find out that the sun had already risen. So we went back to bed, woke up 5 hours later, had breakfast, and then I went over to the university to pick up the Macpass. The stuff was alright. You got two t-shirts, an umbrella, a water bottle, two clipboards, a canvas bag to put it all in, and of course the bracelet (the actual macpass) to get you into all the frosh/welcome week stuff. Pretty cool, except that when you think that it costs $140, it was totally not worth it. Oh well, it's part of the "experience" right?

I'm starting to really like Hamilton. The Wendy's here have vanilla frosties (think DQ ice cream, except slightly more sugary and lighter) and there is this pho (pronounced fuh) vietnamese noodle place which is extremely cheap. The guys took me for a tour around campus, so I slightly know it better and it's cool. There's actually a lake somewhere nearby so later on tonight we're going back to check it out. I caught a toad crossing the road, which was pretty cool and unexpected. I mean out of nowhere hops this toad, right in front of us, heading towards a garden of flowers. It liked me though and stayed on my hand even though I kept trying to set him down, in the patch of flowers that he so desperately wanted to go to. Hehehe.

Then I took a bus to this really nice bubble tea place. Not nice as in fancy high quality nice but there were couches and we were pretty much the only ones there so like a very laid back casual atmosphere, and not too bad a price either. I've got to say it could quickly become one of my favourite places if I ever knew how to get back lol.

Anyways that's my day so far. School starts so soon! I'm like terrified, but from I hear it's not that bad. If you mess up there's always summer school, which is apparently how a lot of people raise their average and stuff, so that could be something I may have to take advantage of.

Well I'm going to go do something productive. Catch ya later!


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