Saturday, October 06, 2007

Here's To The Long Weekend!

This past week has been a weird one for me.

With the midterm in Biology on Wednesday along with the return of the unfortunate cold I have been waking up and meaning to go to class but falling asleep again. As it turns out, I woke up this afternoon and realized that I completely took the week off of class, without really meaning to. Good thing this is a long weekend, because I have a lot of catching up to do!

So what's been keeping me busy you ask, if not for school? Lately I've been working on a large jigsaw puzzle. When I was unpacking earlier, I found a few bags of them so I decided to break one open and try my hand at it. Still no clue what picture it is but it's coming along, slowly but surely. Really I should be doing something more productive but it's 3 am and the only reason I'm up is to wait for a load of laundry to finish so I think I'm quite alright.

I think I mention this every time I post but man time flies. It seems like hardly any time passed since I first arrived, and here it is Thanksgiving once again. This is one of my favourite times of the year. A special holiday just to celebrate food, family, friends, and being grateful for what we're given; pretty sweet! What a great reminder each year of the things we should remember every day. Did I mention the fact that there's no school on Monday? Even better!


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