Tuesday, December 18, 2007

2 AM And She Calls Me Because I'm Still Awake...

1. Is anything wrong?
Umm I just found a virus on my dad's computer. But it's in the process of being fixed :)

2. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
Don't have that.

3. Where do you want to go to college?
Well I'm already in university so... MCC? I'd love to do the culinary institute also.

4. How many kids do you want to have?
Not sure.

5. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
We try :)

6. What did you do for your last birthday?
My friends threw me a surprise birthday party... which I was totally late for haha

7. What were you doing last night at 12?
Umm just getting home

8. Name something you CANNOT wait for?
Plane ride!

9. Last time you saw your father?
Uhh right before he went to bed... maybe 10 or 10:30?

10. What is some thing(s) you would change in your life?
I would get to know people better and have a greater memory capacity to remember everything

11. Do you know anyone named Tom?
Why does this question pop up? Do you know someone named Jerry?

12. Last thing you ate/drank?
Nut mix and water

13. Whats your favorite month?
Hmm maybe May, since it's spring and hopefully relatively warm.

14. What is your least favorite month?
Wow I dont' have one. I can't think of any month that I don't like. I mean weatherwise, probably February, because that's usually pretty icy. But it's a short one so it's not really that bad

15. Do you like peanut butter?
Especially with maple syrup =D

16. Who’s making you feel the way you are right now?
No one "makes" you feel anything. You are the one that decides to feel it.

17. Most visited webpage?
It's a run between e-mail, facebook, and google.

18. Last person to make you mad?
Mike haha

19. Coke or pepsi?
Definitely Coke. Pepsi tastes cheaper... and is more gassy too.

22. How many siblings do you have?

23. Do you have any pets?
Not of my own. Had a plant.

24. Whats your favorite number?

25. What do you do after school/work?
Break-times :)

27. Do you have a best friend?
Sort of


1. Do you play with things when nervous?
I usually play with things anyways, but moreso when I'm nervous.

2. Do you have an odd obsession with knives?
I like to do crafts and sometimes that involves cutting things and I enjoy it, but I don't think it's an obsession...

3. Do you sleep with the door open or closed?
Closed. I find it harder to sleep when it's open.

4. Is there at least one sound you can't stand?

The screech of metal or chalkboards. You know, the kind of sounds that make you cringe? Yeah I don't like those.


1. Do you hate George Bush:
No I feel bad for him, with everyone always blasting him down. I don't know much about politics but I'm sure he did some great things for the country too. Also I read an article interviewing his daughter on Times and it's funny how we never really think about what their family is going through having to listen to all this.

2. Do you think abortion is horrible and should be illegal?
For me, I think life starts the moment that sperm hits the egg. I mean as soon as that happens, the egg starts to divide and it is an incredible process. And there have been cases where premature babies who are still in the window for abortion have been c-sectioned and lived, perfectly healthy. And if you really didn't want your baby, then there is always adoption, no matter what the circumstances for their conception was.

3. Is gay marriage fine by you?

I wouldn't do it lol

4. Do boys make better friends than girls?
No, they both make great friends.

5. Is pink an ugly color?
Pink is nice, but when I see it overly used my heart dies a little inside.

6. Needles aren't so horrible?
Well when you have to take then you have to take them, but I still always have to close my eyes and mentally prepare myself.

7. You have plenty of secrets?
Not really haha


1. Have you ever fallen UP the stairs?

2. Have you ever had a nail fall off?
Yes, after slamming the same finger in doors three times, all by accident =S

3. Have you ever slapped someone across the face?
Not seriously

4. Have you ever killed anyone?
How did you guess?

5. Worn the same clothes for a week straight?
Not for an entire week, though in moments of desperation I have reworn clothes various times (see NB 2007, bus scheduling complications)


1. Do you forget to take off your makeup when you go to sleep?
There have been some times when I forget to wash my face before bed but not usually.

2. Have you kissed anyone on your top friends list?
Again, I do not have one, nor will I ever get one. Gosh!

3. Do you enjoy drama?
It certainly adds a little humour and excitment in life haha

5. Have you ever gotten in a fist fight?
Sort of. But mostly it is just joking around.

6. Who would you like to hit right now?
Your face.

7. Is there any type of rumor going around about you?
I doubt my life is that exciting ;)


August 18th

Favorite color:
Purple and green, but I love rainbows.

Least favorite color:
Diarrhea yellow/brown. Does not look good people!

Least favorite food:
Brussel sprouts, no question.


Wheat bread or white bread?
Multigrain all the way =D

Cake or pie?
Oh dear... I would have to go with pie I suppose.

House .. shoes or barefoot?

Zoo or aquarium?
Wow tough question. Aquariums are usually prettier, but zoos are so nice too.

Waffles or pancakes?
Waffles for sure

Breakfast or brunch?
Breakfast, because then you get to eat lunch later =)

Camping or staying in a hotel?
Staying in a hotel for sure but I love camping also, as long as there are adequate washroom facilities, which include a nice shower.

Spiders or snakes?
Snakes definitely. I hate having to capitalize the start of every single one of these either/or questions also. Just getting that out there.

Math or science?
Definitely without a doubt science. Not only is it more exciting to me, but also if you feel like math it's in there too.

Preps or punks?
How about let's not put a label on people, shall we?

Soap operas or talk shows?
Talk shows. I never really got into the soap operas. There's a point where things become too corny, and the ones I've seen have reached it.

Sesame Street or Barney?
Sesame Street all the way, although Barney did have BJ, and I loved that guy.

Shampoo+conditioner (2 in 1) or separate conditioner?
Separate. Quality over convenience.

Police officers or firefighters?
Firefighters. Gotta love that uniform, and of course, their ride ;)

Watching sports or watching the news?
I would have to say the news. You learn more.

Pizza or tacos?
Ohh hard one. It depends on the mood but for me tacos are rarer so I would have to pick those.

Pringles or lays stacks?
Pringles. They are the originals.

Rap or country?
Country for sure.

Reading or writing?
Reading, I'm not that brilliant of a writer (as you may have noticed) =)


Cheated on a test?
Yes but it's dishonest and I don't anymore.

Copied someone else's homework?
Yes and it's dishonest but I'm an idiot

Smashed a pumpkin?
No but it always crosses my mind.

Held a tarantula?
No. I think I would be paralyzed with fear and fascination.

Climbed a rock wall?
Haha no but always wanted to.

Been arrested?
No but I have rode in the back of a police car and been inside a jail cell, but on two different occasions.

Stolen from your parents?
Nothing that they wouldn't let me have if I had asked but I sometimes take things without asking, like these nuts for example. But I'm not about to wake them up at this hour and ask permission lol.

Had a crush on someone over 10 years older than you?
No. There are people in movies and stuff who are older and I would consider them good looking but I wouldn't call it a crush.

Drank a beer?

Danced in the rain?

Had your house catch on fire?
Nope, although there was a candle incident in my room.

Had sex in a public place?
Umm no.

Watched the same movie twice in one day?
Yeah haha. You know you're cool when... =P

Ran in a marathon?
Always wanted to, but not enough endurance.

Gotten so drunk you threw up and didn't make it to a toilet?
No can't say I have or would ever want to haha

Been to another country?

Had chicken pox?
So I hear.

Had strep throat?
Don't think so

Had measles?
Not that anyone has ever told me.

Had scarlet fever?
No, although I have had a fever high enough to hallucinate once.

Had mumps?
Not that I know of

Had mono?

Had lice?
No but it always feel like I do whenever I get checked.

Dyed your hair an un-natural color?
Never dyed it, but if I did I would.

Dressed goth?
I have black clothes and I wear them. Whoopdedoo.

Worn a chain wallet?
Can't wear what you don't have, as far as wallets go at least.

Gone snowboarding?
Always wanted to.

Gotten a bulls eye (darts)?
Haha not legitimately.

Bailed someone out of jail?

Been the "new kid"?

Called 9-1-1?
No but I am always so tempted.

Eaten sardines?
No but I want to just to see what they taste like.

Ridden a motorcycle?

Swam with dolphins?
If I could only swim...

Swam with a shark?
I have splashed around in the ocean and who knows, a shark may have been nearby.

Been stung by a jellyfish?
Ouch yes.

Been pooped on by a bird?
It's a big fear when they fly overhead.

Given the Heimlich maneuver?
Never had the chance.

Received the Heimlich maneuver?
Never had the chance.

Been in an earthquake?

Been in a tornado?
Not inside one no.

Been in a hurricane?
Been in the area where it hit.

Been injured in one of the above?
Gratefully no.


Yes, though I try not to be.

Depends, but it's something I have to work on more.

Hopefully not mean.

Sometimes overly so.

I try.

Oh yes.

Got me there.

Can be.


Sometimes. Okay maybe a little more than sometimes haha.

More than I should be.


Not so much.

For sure.

Sore loser?
Sometimes but mostly just jokingly so.

Sore winner?
Same as above.


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