Monday, December 03, 2007

The End Is Near...

Today marks the last day of classes... and also the closeness of exams. Less than a week until the four bang off in succession. Funny how time flies.

When I was looking in my old notes, I found a note that I had written on my first day of school. Here is a sample:

"35 minutes to class and I'm sitting here waiting, in some obscure corner of the the Togo Salmon Hall. Interesting place; there are fish randomly painted on the basement walls. It is said that 'Today is the first day of the rest of your life.' It might as well be the last, I am just as nervous. I know there's probably nothing to worry about. All the same, the wait is nervewracking. I'm trying to think of anything related to archaeology that I know. All i can think of is dinosaurs... Remember that crazy bag I bought at Walmart to sneak in food for the movies? Well I just glanced up and what do I see but someone walking by with the exact same one! Oh the memories... I am running on a pure adrenaline rush [from lack of sleep]. I would love to have stayed in bed, but then again I don't think I could go to sleep if I tried. Too excited and plus I have a medium iced cap keeping me company..."

It's funny looking back. Archaeology had turned out to be great; in fact, it was one of my favourite courses (which I then proceeded to drop). The classes weren't worth the worry at all.

How many times have we stressed ourselves out needlessly?


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