Thursday, December 06, 2007


It all started with picking up the student paper while on my way back from class. I thought nothing of it, just stored it in my bag and went on my way. Forgot about it actually, until this afternoon, when I reached into my bag to get my pencil (for math notes) when I remembered the paper and started reading.

It was the sideline on the front page that caught my eye. "City To Vote On Garbage Bag Limit" it says. We already have a three bag limit, a difficult feat for a household of nine people, not to mention university students who hoard bottles, pizza boxes, and chinese take-out like it was 1935. And I include myself in this, because sometimes it's just nice to have someone else cook or store a beverage into a container for you, even if you have to pay for it.

So you can imagine my nervousness while reading that there was a vote to be taken that night (November 29th). So I raced to the local newspaper website and did a quick search in the archives. And SHOCK, HORROR, it got passed. Down to one bag. Effecting March 30th, 2008. I read this once. I read this twice. No change. I pass on the news and read it again. Still no change. What is this! On the bottom of the page I see a footnote. "Share your feedback at So, determined to voice my opinion on this rather messy subject (pun slightly intended), I went. It's a blog. And this is the first entry I read:

"November 30, 2007

I feel your pain...

Just got an email that made me laugh. You've likely read about council's confusion over their new garbage rules, imagine writing a school report about it.

my name is XXX and i attend saltfleet high school, grade 11.
For our geography independent study, our teacher assigned us to do seminars based on local environmental crisis. I chose to do the garbage bag limit. however, as I've been writing my report, I've noticed that everyday, the decision changes. I've been following up with the hamilton spectator, however I've had to change my report a couple times already based on the "confused" decisions. please help me. do you have advice for me? when should i date my project as it takes effect? 2009? 2010? my report is due Tuesday, December 4th. please write back.

thank you very much."

LOL. I suddenly love this blog and this student very much. But now I am in a confusion. When exactly IS this date? I did not read 2009 or 2010. I read 2008. Could I possibly have read the right one? Please no. Please. So I keep reading.

"November 29, 2007

Clarity for council

Waste staff sent out a press release this afternoon explaining what council passed last night, despite the fact many councillors are still confused. Basically it will go from three to two to one bags by 2010. Residents will be given time to adjust to the one container limit.

Here's the low down written by the city:

March 31, 2008 through March 28, 2009

We will continue to collect up to 3 containers of garbage per household per week. Collection crews will take note of addresses with more than 1 garbage container at the curb so that we can follow-up with additional education in the form of a letter or a visit by customer service staff. Any additional container(s) above 3 will be tagged with Oops! stickers and left behind.

March 30, 2009 – April 3, 2010

We will collect 1 container of garbage and 1 clear garbage bag (provided that the clear bag does not contain acceptable blue box and / or green cart material(s)) per household per week. Collection crews will take note of addresses with more than 1 garbage container at the curb so that we can follow-up with additional education in the form of a letter or a visit by customer service staff. Any additional garbage container(s) above 1 (in an opaque bag or in a clear bag containing acceptable blue box and / or green cart material(s)) will be tagged with Oops! stickers and left behind.

April 5, 2010 – onward

We will collect 1 container of garbage per household per week. Collection crews will take note of addresses with more than 1 garbage container at the curb so that we can follow-up with additional education in the form of a letter or a visit by customer service staff. Addresses that are continually unable to and / or unwilling to comply (unless they have approval through the special consideration process) will be referred to By-Law and Enforcement for follow-up."

Clarity is a beautiful thing.

Humour is also quite wonderful. If you want a good laugh and to read what the heck happened, check this out: I'd copy and paste this too, but I've done that enough. And plus, it's just too funny!


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