Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Too Good To Be True

Some people are less resistant to advertising schemes than others. At Zellers the other day they had this special promotion that if you stood there and listened to some girl talk about their product for 20 minutes, you got a free gift. I happen to really like free things, so I stood there and listened. She was promoting some kind of microfiber cloth which cleaned everything on your floor or mirror with just a spray of water. The free gift was a sample just big enough to clean your glasses with. Kind of a waste of 20 minutes, even though she very nicely gave me two. I found them a little while ago while I was digging through my purse and since I was in the vicinity of a mirror anyways, I thought I would give it a try. So I did exactly what the girl did: smeared a little bit of vaseline on my mirror, poured a little water onto the cloth, and wiped the mirror... expecting the worst. But it worked just as well on my mirror as it did for the solicitor's and immediately I kind of wished that I had spent my money on the pricey swiffer version . I mean just think of the cleaning possibilities! Out of curiosity however, I decided to do another test. On went the vaseline. Dip went a sheet of bounty (the cleaning paper towel of choice). And with one sweet wipe that vaseline went streak-free off that mirror. Hmmm...

Should I draw some crayon on my floor and test this further? I don't think I will venture that far. But it was a good reminder that no matter how great a new product may seem, sometimes you just don't need it!


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