Saturday, March 15, 2008

"Bad Day" - Daniel Powter

I really like this video. A lot of the ones with kind of the same story turn out to be really cheesy. But this one is actually sweet.

Funny what comes to mind when you're having a bad day. Sometimes there's really no reason, but the way you look at things just totally switch around from the positive to the negative. Whenever I'm grumpy and this song comes on, it makes me take a step back and realize that whatever I had made such a big deal of in my mind was not really that big of a deal at all - it was just how I chose to perceive it. By realizing and acknowledging the fact that a "bad day" is all that it is, I can work on improving my attitude and changing it around. So go ahead, turn it up and sing along. It's just one of those songs that is meant for doing just that :)


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