Monday, March 17, 2008

Things You'll Never Know.

1. What's one thing that's heavily weighing on your mind?
All the essays I have yet to research for. And how I need to get milk.

2. What's one thing you've learned from a good friendship gone bad?
Don't let things pile up.

3. What's one thing you've learned from love?
A little goes a long way.

4. Is there anyone special in your life in general at the moment?
Everyone is special ;)

5. What's a happy time you've had in the past week?
Those two sweet episodes of CSI: Miami.
Gang member with gun: "You're dead Horatio."
Horatio: *shoots* "Join the club."

6. Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again?
Would love to go to Disneyworld/Universal Studios again...

7. Who do you spend your weeknights with?
Depends on what's going on and what time lol.

8. Are you an emotional person?

9. Are you self-conscious?
To an extent.

10. Do you think of others before yourself?
Still workin' on it.

11. What's something that can always make you feel better?
Chocolate fondue, hugs, and friends.

12. Who was the last person you had a crush on?

13. Where do you see yourself this time next year?
Same city, different house.

14. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
Haha sometimes.

15. Who do you feel the most comfortable around?
My friends and my dad.

16. Is there something that you're waiting for?
Spring weather!

17. One thing you're not looking forward to?
Papers >.< 18. How do you feel about change?
It is what you make it to be.

19. Favorite movie?
So many...

20. What are your plans for your next birthday?

21. Do you even care about your birthday?
Sure, only happens once a year.

22. Do you think anyone in general out there loves you?
Of course haha.

23. When do you think the world will end?
By the time I get through filling this out.

24. What's the most expensive item you own?
Hmm... my prom dress?

25. Why do you drive the car you have right now?
Because I am amazing.

26. Do you still talk to the person you last kissed?

27. Have you ever seen your best friend cry?

28. What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid?
The Flinestones :) Had Looney Toones for a short while but wasn't the same.

30. Did you get any compliments today?

31. Are you friends with your neighbors?
Outside the house? Not really, though the lady across the street is awesome.

32. What were you just thinking about?
That time the lady helped us get Ricky's rental unstuck. So cool.

33. Name the places you have lived in?
Too lazy.

34. When was the last time you drove more than 15 minutes?
Driving my mom to Mississauga haha. Definitely more than 15 min.

35. Have you ever had a crush your on your sister's/brother's friend?
Haha no.

36. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
I hope I can find my glasses.

37. When is the next time you will make out with somebody?
Who knows?

38. What's a word that rhymes with "luck"?

39. What's your favorite planet?
Pluto. You can remove it as a planet but you can't remove it from our hearts.

40. Who's the 2nd person on your missed calls list?
Too lazy to check.

41. What is your favorite ringtone on your phone?
Don't really like any of them lol.

42. What shirt are you wearing right now?
Black with swirls.

43. What do you "label" yourself as?

44. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing?
Wearin' socks :)

45. Bright or dark room?
Bright rooms for sure.

46. What do you think about the person who last took this survey?
Don't really know her all that well to be honest.

47. If you're alone in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep in?
The biggest one.

48. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watchin' CSI :D

49. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say?
Probably "You have one new voicemail message"

50. What just so happens to be the best song in the world to dance to?
Depends on what kind of dancing you're lookin' to do ;)

51. What's a word or phrase that you say a lot?
"Ohh dear"

52. Who told you he/she loved you last?
My brother :)

53. Last furry thing you touched?
The rottweiler that sniffed me downtown?

54. How many drugs have you done in the past 3 days?
None, unless advil counts.

56. Pet peeve?
People jiggling their laptop with their legs when they type something for you to read.

57. Favorite age you have been so far?
Hmm not sure.

58. Hats or beanies?

59. Your worst enemy?
The evil gingivitis!

60. What is your current desktop picture?
Leeland cover.

61. What is the last thing you said to someone?

62. Do you love someone?
Doesn't everyone?

63. Last song you listened to?
"Disappear From View" - Kensington Prairie

64. Do you do the games in the ads on Myspace?

65. What are your favorite Pjs?
My green plaid ones with a tank top.

66. What do you do when you pass graveyards?
Breathe normally... and shoot the zombies.

67. Have you ever seen a shooting star?

68. How old do you think you'll live to be?
Older than I am now?

69. List five things you want to do in your lifetime:
1. Travel the world.
2. Learn at least another 2 languages.
3. Have a nice house.
4. Get married.
5. Finish university.
But not necessarily in that order!


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