Friday, May 23, 2008

My Toilet Is Haunted

It's only a bit after the end of May but already it feels like it's been summer for a while. Two weeks into a job and already I've fallen into a drab routine, though today I did mix it up a little - being almost late for work. Life is as glamourous as you make it I suppose.

Living in an apartment has its ups. You get to meet new people every day and if you don't really like them there's very little chance you will ever see them again. Not that there's anyone not to like, but sometimes conversations just turn awkward. And the lines some people use. "Are you new in this building, I've never seen you around" is a standard one. This building has 17 floors, all of which have at least 10 units and who knows how many people in each of them. Even if you stake out the lobby for weeks you have no way of meeting everyone. I guess if you are new, hearing that sounds a little impressive that someone was just that friendly. But if you aren't and have been there for years, then a line like that would probably just make things even more awkward. But who knows, maybe that line is a big hook.

One thing I hate about Toronto is the parking lot. Parking lots I hate in general. They house the record for most of the parking incidents which occur every day. Parking is not my forte and so many cars crammed into as tight a space as possible just screams disaster for me. I'm the kind of person who will gladly walk from the back spaces to escape the havoc. Besides, the exercise is good for you anyways. But in Toronto it doesn't matter how far back you park: there are so many cars that even to get to the back requires excessive maneuvering and dodging of cars. No wonder so many people opt for public transportation. With some subway lines going straight into malls itself, it's a wonder people drive to these places at all. But I guess if nobody drove parking lots would no longer be such a scary place, and then the empty parking lots wouldn't stay every empty for long. So I guess there's no solution, except maybe to create automatic parking cars.

Anyways it's getting late and there's a call I've got to be making. Have a good night!

p.s. The toilet in my dad's room is actually haunted. Repairpeople have been coming by every couple of weeks to fix the problem but it still makes gurgling noises all night. I feel like I'm about to get raped by a ghost every time one of the plumbers leaves the door open. *shudders*


Courtney Saunders said...

Write on your blog more often, I check it :) you should feel happy.
And if it helps I blog abotu pretty random stuff too. I hope you thought you blogged randomly.. haha
anyways....... check ya later (that's a pretty cool saying eh)
Not really

sandy said...

thanks, that does make me feel happy.
glad to hear i'm not alone :)
p.s. i just entered the jonas brothers contest for you... good luck!!

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