Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Rush of Blood to the Head" - Coldplay

He said, "I'm going to buy this place and burn it down
I'm going to put it six feet underground"
He said, "I'm going to buy this place and watch it fall
Stand here beside me baby in the crumbling walls"

"Oh I'm going to buy this place and start a fire
Stand here until I fill all your heart's desires
Because I'm going to buy this place and see it burn
And do back the things it did to you in return"

He said, "I'm going to buy a gun and start a war
If you can tell me something worth fighting for
Oh and I'm goling to buy this place, that's what I said
Blame it upon a rush of blood to the head"

Honey, all the movements you're starting to make
See me crumble and fall on my face
And I know the mistakes that I made
See it all disappear without trace

And they call as they beckon you on
They said, "Start as you mean to go on
Start as you mean to go on"

He said, "I'm going to buy this place and see it go
And stand here beside me baby watch the orange glow
Some'll laugh and some just sit and cry
You just sit down there and you wonder why"

"So I'm going to buy a gun and start a war
If you can tell me something worth fighting for
And I'm going to buy this place, that's what I said
Blame it upon a rush of blood to the head
Oh to the head"

Honey, all the movements you're starting to make
See me crumble and fall on my face
And I know the mistakes that I made
See it disappear without trace

And they call as they beckon you on
They say, "Start as you mean to go on
As you mean to go on, as you mean to go on"

"So meet me by the bridge, meet me by the lane
When am I going to see that pretty face again
Meet me on the road, meet me where I said
Blame it all upon a rush of blood to the head"

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Sure Path To Anyone's Heart

I love eating out.  Food always tastes so great when made by other people.  Especially other people who know how to make good food.  And when you work night shifts sitting and talking and being frustrated with people who may not be as nice as others... well you just want food.

So luckily there are a couple of great places in Richmond Hill close by which I love.

The first is a new restaurant called "My Kitchen".  It's in the plaza across and down the street from where I work and it has got to be one of my favourite places for chinese food.  The people there are so wonderful and the food is so delicious.  The last time I went all I got was fried rice and shared some with one of my coworkers and they thought it was amazing.  One of those places where if you go once you know you have to return.

Another place that I just discovered today is called "Charlotte's Food".  Not a restaurant but more of an over-the-counter-baked-goods place.  When I first walked in, the other customer in the store was like, "they make the best pies, don't they?"  and this guy works at a bank and bought three chicken pot pies so you know he's not lying to you.  Anyways I got the apple pie because the woman just made it and even though it was cold by the time I had it, trust me - it was good pie.  And healthy for you too, as the lady will talk all day about.  

So there.  Now if you're ever stuck starving in Richmond Hill you know exactly where to go.

You can thank me with dinner, I don't mind :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer So Far As A Resident Of Toronto

Besides the tourist attractions and the shopping, there's only really one other thing worth talking about in Toronto: the weather.

Holy crap.

The days are very hot and humid (see: 38*C on Saturday) and because of the extreme heat and humidity you get random massive downpours during the day and an earth-rocking thunderstorm at night.

Driving home from Alliston Monday afternoon I got caught in one such massive downpours on the highway and let me tell you it was one of the scariest driving experiences of my life. I was going along the usually 120 km/h when it started raining a little bit. Okay that was fine. But then out of nowhere it was like the sky was falling it rained so hard. With the wipers maxed out you could only just barely see the car right in front of you. Traffic on the highway slowed to a 20-30 km/h crawl, and I was in the left (aka. fast) lane. This went on for what seemed like an eternity and then all of a sudden it lifted and returned to normal medium wiper-speed rain. And then like 1/2 an hour later, the rain was gone and it was sunny as if it had never rained at all. Which made it feel kind of weird having to blame my lateness to work on a downpour...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I Will Meet You Where That Dark Road Ends

Who was the last friend in your room?
I don't have a room :(

Do you miss someone?

Song playing?
"Wish You Well" by Justin Hines. Such a good song!

What are you doing tomorrow?
Cleaning, errands, work, and umm surviving the Toronto summer.

What's annoying you right now?
This heat and humidity! Alaska sounds pretty nice right about now.

Do you want to go back to elementary school?
Nah, too many rules.

What were you doing tonight?
Worked, accidentally ordered expensive (but good chinese food), and drove a lot.

Who did you ride in a car with last?

Are you tired?
Kinda. Caffeine is starting to wear off...

What do you think of cell phones?
Useful but embarrassing when it rings in inappropriate places.

What color is the shirt you are wearing?

What will you do Sunday?
Get some weekend rest!

Last person to call you?

Do you have any interesting bruises or scars?
Most of my scars with stories are faded, but I do have a birthmark that everyone thinks is a bruise.

Where were you at noon yesterday?
Sleeping :)

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
Depends... usually about an hour if I haven't showered yet.

Have you been outside of Canada?

The last comment you received was from?
Courtney. Pretty sure she's like the only one who checks my blog anymore... or at least leaves comments :P

Last show you watched?
Malcolm in the Middle.

Do you wish at 11:11?
Usually no, but I did today :)

Do you wear any jewelry?
At the bare minimum, I have my grad watch from the Herrings.

Do you have any piercings?
Ears, twice.

Last person you hugged?

Do you sing in the shower?

Do you love anyone?
There's no one that I hate :)

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Quiz Me

1. Does someone love you?
Of course.

2. Do you know anyone named Dave?
Sort of? No one real closely.

3. What color is your shirt?
Mostly grey.

4. Last person you had a long talk with?
I think Daniella.

5. Have you ever tried Propel Water?

6. What color are the walls of your parents bedroom?
White haha.

7. Do you think that hair extensions look skanky?
When done tastefully, not at all.

8. Are you named after a grandparent?
I don't even know the names of my grandparents :S

10. Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass?
Most likely.

11. Are you taller than 5'3?
Maybe with heels...

12. Do you know anyone in jail/prison?
Currently, no.

13. Ever seen a dead body?

14. Do you like the color green?
Love it.

15. What is your dad's best friends name?
Not sure. Maybe Andrew? I shake his hand quite often.

17. Who was the last person to send you a text message?
Don't even remember...

18. Ever drove into the ghetto to buy drugs?
All the time... who asks these questions, seriously?

19. Last restaurant you went to?
Pizza hut :)

20. What is the weather like today?
Overcast and chilly.

21. Last person you told you liked?
"Like" liked? Mike.

22. What did you do yesterday?
Shopped and worked, but not at the same time :(

23. What's the first thing you would do with five million dollars?
More shopping!

24. Do you have any piercings?
Twice on both ears.

25. How many hours did you sleep for last night?
Umm probably like 4 or 5...

26. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend?
Not that I've heard of.

27. Who's the last person that you felt was stalking you?
My habits are too easy to figure out to be a challenge to any stalker.

28. Have you ever been on your school's track team?
Haha nope.

29. What jewelry are you wearing?
A watch.

30. What's your middle name?
Don't have one.

31. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you?

32. How much money do you have?
Like a negative number.

33. Do you swear at your parents?

34. Is your phone right beside you?
It's pretty close by.

35. Have you cried today?

36. Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?

37. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?

38. What is the color of your bedsheets?
Right now I don't even have my own bedsheets so I don't know.

39. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Oh yes.

40. Are you photogenic?
Not at all.

41. What's your sign?

42. Where do you spend most of your money?
Tim Hortons probably.

43. What was the last thing you did?
Drove home from work... exciting I know.

44. Do you have a tattoo?

45. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?
Haha sometimes if I'm bored at home and nothing else is on.

46. Is there a secret you've never told any of your friends?
Not that I can think of.

47. Have you ever told someone you loved them but didn't mean it?
No that's kind of cruel don't you think?

48. Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?

49. What are you doing in 2008?
Whatever 2008 brings ;)

50. What is your ringtone?

51. What were you doing at 2am last night?
Stretches probably.

52. Are your parents married/divorced/separated?

53. What are you doing tonight?
Dreaming ^-^

54. What are you doing tomorrow?
Laundry, errands, work.

56. Who did you last message on Facebook?
No idea.

59. Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do?

60. What did you dress up as for your first Halloween?
Don't remember.

61. Favorite Disney movie?
Oh but I love them all.

62. What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
My accidental candle fire.

63. Who is your 5th missed call from?
Don't remember... probably Courtney since apparently she calls my cell a lot. Even when there's nothing on it haha.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


One thing that always surprises me is how much our bodies are in tune with the sun.

Even if you're not a morning person, when you wake up early on a bright sunny day you can't help but feel energetic and fabulous. Waking up at noon (or later) on such a day you end up feeling groggy and lazy. Waking up well past nighttime... let's just say your body knows you missed out on something.

On a dark cloudy day, whatever time you wake up it is like an automatic downer. Things may be going great but well before the day is done you will still feel like the day dragged on.

So what's the ideal way to maximize your energy level for the day you ask?

According to a teacher who seemed to know all about this stuff, the "perfect" day begins with waking up at sunrise, rest and relaxation around noon to about 2, and then you're good to go until about 9-10 in the evening.

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