Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Canada's Wonderland

This weekend, Mike took me to Wonderland and I have got to say, it is pretty freaking amazing.

I wanted my first rollercoaster to be the biggest so first thing we went on the Behemoth, Canada's newest and biggest. Starting off with a practically 90 degree drop, I seriously thought it was the end of life as I knew it - literally! Thank goodness it wasn't or Mike and I would've missed all the other good rides! But if you are very chicken like me, do yourself a huge favour and force yourself on all the rides. I even went on the Droptower - a ride that shot straight up in the air, lets you dangle for a moment, and then plunges you straight down to the ground - and as terrified of heights as I was, after you're back on the ground and your heart begins to beat again, it's just amazing. Anyways we went on Backlot Stunt Coaster (formerly Italian Job), Flight Deck (formerly Top Gun), Minebuster (the sketchy wooden one), Thunder Run, and the Action Theatre, all ones which I would definitely recommend.

Who doesn't love Wonderland, really. It's a huge amusement park that's got a little bit of something for everyone. Spinning rides, upside-down rides, crazy rides, scary rides, relaxing rides, wet rides... and when you get tired of the rides there are shows, pools, gift shops, carnival games, arcades, and heavily overpriced foods. Speaking of foods, when you go try a funnel cake. It's like the official Wonderland food, and though it's like $12 a plate, it's definitely worth it if only for the experience. And don't be a sucker and miss the shows. I made Mike watch one and though he thought it was going to be lame, even he was amazed and impressed by the acrobatic feats. In fact I think he was more excited than I was haha. We spent a lot of time at the arcade and watching the carnival games as well. Well mostly watching the carnival games and talking about how big of a scam they were. Mike did try his hand at the ring toss, whack-a-mole, and fool-the-guesser though. He saw a lot of people with the huge prizes and wanted to win one and though he came really close in whack-a-mole twice, he fooled the guesser and won me a pikachu :)

So yes, go to Wonderland this summer. And if you've got an extra ticket, I certainly wouldn't mind going again ;)

Friday, July 25, 2008

"Friday I'm In Love" - The Cure

I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Oh Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love

Saturday, wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday, never hesitate...

I don't care if Monday's black
Tuesday, Wednesday - heart attack
Thursday, never looking back
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday, you can hold your head
Tuesday, Wednesday stay in bed
Or Thursday - watch the walls instead
It's Friday, I'm in love

Saturday, wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday, never hesitate...

Dressed up to the eyes
It's a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirits rise
Throwing out your frown
And just smiling at the sound
And as sleek as a shriek
Spinning 'round and 'round
Always take a big bite
It's such a gorgeous sight
To see you eat in the middle of the night
You can never get enough
Enough of this stuff
It's Friday, I'm in love

I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love

Thursday, July 24, 2008

If You Meet Me Halfway It Could Be The Same For You

Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?

Are your toe nails painted pink?
Nope. They were deep purple but it's chipping off now.

Has someone ever called you beautiful?
My parents :D

Will you be in a relationship in 4 months?

Are you wearing short shorts?
Haha no.

Is your bra pink?
Umm yes.

Who's one of your best friends of the opposite sex?
Most of my friends are guys now.

Do you think Chad Michael Murray is cute?

Are you tanned?
Yeah, I forget to put on sunscreen a lot :S

Do you wear a lot of makeup?
Not really.

Do you enjoy wearing dresses?

Are you fat?
Everyone has fat, or they should.

Do you straighten your hair often?
Haha never.

Do you want a boyfriend?
TOnly the one I have :)

Are your best friends the funniest people you know?
I'd say so.

Are you waiting for someone? Who?
Sort of - just wondering if Mike is home.

Last person you messaged?

Does anyone hate you?
I don't think so.

What are you doing tonight?
Well since it's almost 1 am, eat and sleep!

Are you happy with life?
Can't complain.

Who did you spend most of your time with today?

Who have you seen lately that you haven't seen in awhile?

Do you believe that everyone deserves a second chance?

Did you cry today?

Do you miss anyone?
I'm always missing members of both my families.

Are you smart?
Everyone has their strengths so I don't think you could categorize anyone as not being smart, although I have made stupid mistakes.

Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
No, I can't think of anyone that I hate actually.

What's most stressing right now?
Nothing really. Saving money is the most urgent thing but it's not really a matter of stressing over, but of a lot better management and budgeting.

Do you swallow gum when you're done with it?
Only if I had no choice, but then I always think of the episode of The Magic School Bus where Arnold (?) swallows his gum and he poops it out, and it makes me feel really gross.

Do you like messages or comments better?
I like them both, but I get more instant messages than comments (as you can tell) :P

What are you drinking?
Soy milk :)

Who was your last call from?
My brother, asking me to pick him up from the mall because it was raining so hard.

What would you do if you had a time machine?
Go time-traveling, of course!

Whose car did you last drive in?
My dad's.

Last non-relative you hugged?
Hmm not sure. Mike?

What are you doing?
This quiz and checking the news.

Should you be doing that?
I can't think of why I shouldn't.

Do you drink?

How long is your hair?
Pretty long. I need to get it cut soon.

What are you doing this week?

What was the last movie you watched?
Batman Begins again. So good!

With who?
Mike because he hasn't seen it yet and we want to watch The Dark Knight.

What's the most recent holiday?
Canada Day?

What season is it?

Is it nice out?
Yeah, it's beautiful after the rain.

What are you listening to?
The air conditioner... I should probably go turn it off now.

Who was the last person you texted?
Hmm... Zepp I think.

Last person who texted you?
I don't even know lol.

Facebook or MySpace?
Definitely facebook. Does anyone even use MySpace anymore except for listening to music?

Do you hate anyone?
Not that I can think of.

Is anyone pissing you off?

Should you be doing something else?
Probably sleeping or cleaning, but I enjoy my relaxation.

What's the closest thing to you that's blue?
Uhhh... mousepad.

How do you feel when someone kisses you on the forehead?
Warm and happy.

Do you think your last ex deserves to die?
What, no. That's so harsh.

Will your next kiss be a mistake?

When was the last time you saw your grandpa?
Years and years ago. I barely remember them :(

Do you know anyone with cancer?

What did your last text say?
I don't remember.

Who was the last person you talked to in person?
Shannon and Symeon.

Who was your last missed call?
Not sure, no caller id.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
Yes? I don't think anyone can't if they're with the right person...

Have you lost friends in the past 3 years?
Yes :(

Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
Of course. I'd care even if they hate me with reason...

Do you drink tea?

Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
Depends. It's never good to bottle things up though.

Have you ever been out past curfew?
Haha yes.

Are you happy?
Happiness is just a feeling. I think it's more important to have joy.

Is your room clean?
I don't have a room.

Has anyone got on your nerves lately?
Not really.

What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Oh man... Narnia?

What was the last book you read?
Currently reading one a random one that I bought for a dollar... forget what it's called though. Not really that great.

Do you bite your fingernails?

Can you make brownies without having to look at the directions?
One day...

Do you watch a lot of TV?
Not really.

What are you wearing?
Jeans and two t-shirts.

Do you have unlimited texting?

Do you want someone back in your life?
There are a lot of people who I don't see anymore that I miss.

Would you ever dye your hair red?
Doubt it.

Who do you tell a lot to?
My friends.

Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?
I wasn't frowning?

Where did you sleep last night?
Dad's apartment.

Did you have a good day yesterday?

Do you currently have a hickey? where?
Umm no.

Have you ever collapsed on the bathroom floor?
Not really.

Are you afraid of falling in love?
Well so far so good :)

Anything you're giving up on?
This quiz pretty soon. Holy crap it's long.

Think of the person you told "I love you" last, did you mean it?
Of course. I don't say it unless I mean it and I definitely love my dad.

What's your theme song right now?
Hmm not sure. Although the song I have stuck in my head is "Realize" by Colbie Caillat since it was on the radio last.

What's a goal you want to reach soon?
Enter honours gerontology.

Ever cried because of happiness?
Yeah. I've been blessed with knowing a lot of wonderful people.

Thought about someone today?
What kind of question is this? Of course! I don't think anyone goes through a day without thinking of at least one other person.

Do you love the last person of the opposite sex you spoke to?
As a friend.

Overall mood today?

What's your weakness?
Time management.

What's something you say too much?

Last game you played and with who?
Frisbee with Nic, Jesse, and Carmen? I think that counts as a sport - there are competitions for it and everything.

How many schools have you attended so far?
Off the top of my head? Nine I think.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Music to Warm the Delicate Strings of Your Heart

"I’m getting old but I’m not old yet
I’m already worried that I might forget
How to laugh, how to love
How to live, how to learn
I want to die with a smile when it comes my turn"
- David Myles, When It Comes My Turn

So I came across a Canadian artist that I have fallen in love with. With songs slow but catchy, His name's David Myles, and just from listening to his songs posted on Myspace I could definitely see myself picking up a copy of a cd for a long weekend drive.

Anways I just thought I would spread the joy.

Check him out at

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New House

Went up to Hamilton the past Sunday to look at rooms for next year. Out of the like 5 that we visited, only one that we went to was really like "Yeah I could live here." One was close but the house was old and cramped, another was very small, and one was so dirty that we were allowed to walk around the shag carpeting with wet shoes on - and even with the five of us plus the landlord showing us around, it didnt' make much of a difference.

The place that Mike and I did like was this basement apartment of a family house. Separate entrance, spacious bedrooms, fully furnished, own kitchen, washroom, common room, etc... it's an older basement and certainly not perfect but definitely livable and better than the other places we had looked. So needless to say, we called the next morning and we're going this weekend to sign the lease!

Anyways be sure to come visit sometime. If all goes well we move in on the first :D

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mall & Beach-ing

On Saturday, Mike took me to the mall Vaughan Mills, which I had heard so much about. And no wonder it's so famous: the place is huge and with all the nice stores that big Ontario malls have, they also have outlet ones so that you can spend a lot and feel great knowing that you saved a ton still. For example, the shoes Mike was looking at was $150 in one store and in the Nike outlet they were $70. And the mall is so big that they have neighbourhoods. And apparently there is a racetrack and bowling alley, but we never really saw them. Saw an arcade though, but we never went back to stop in. Oh and never order bubble tea with double the tapioca. We did that by accident and like half the cup was bubbles. Not as good as some might think...

Went to the beach yesterday with Mike, Nic, Jesse, and Carmen. The beach at Wasaga was definitely the most crowded beach I have ever seen. The road that goes around it stretches on forever, but all while you are looking out the window wondering if there was even place for you to put a towel down. Parking alone took 20 minutes. But though it was pretty windy, it was still a lot of fun. The water was warm and wavy, and for those like me who aren't very good at swimming, the water doesn't go above your head even if you go really far. If you go to Beach One there's a lot of neat stores, which we never went into but I would love to check them out sometime. Pedro's Gift Shop looked interesting. The place we did go to, Banana's (a bar) served drinks in actual coconuts with those drink umbrellas. Definitely worth the big bill. The onion rings that I had were nice and juicy, and everyone's food looked really good. If you get a meal they give you a massive amount of fries. Though we didnt' stay that late, I hear from Dil at work that you can see the entire sunset from Wasaga, and it's one of the most beautiful things she's seen.

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