Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Ringing, Revelry, and Wrinkled Rants

I just got really confused wondering why the phone was ringing when we don't even have a house phone.  And then I realized that I had turned the T.V. on way too loud and had left after the Leonard Cohen show.

What else is going on in my life?  Feeling sick and Final Fantasy III on Mike’s DS.  Oh, Mike and Jesse finally finished Tales of Symphonia 2 and saved Ratatosk’s core, ergo the world (whew!).  It was one of those games where you watch it expecting the story to get better and really, it stays on par with how it began (pretty corny) but the guys loved it and I guess that’s the most important thing.  They’re restarting from the beginning to go to all the secret dungeons and things that they missed so they can get the “ultra ending”.  I thought levelling Pokémon and Final Fantasy characters were tedious… these guys will grind for hours upon hours and think nothing of it.  I swear they should be getting money for this or something.  I definitely feel like I should be getting paid.

Signed up for summer courses today.  Basically all electives because there’s no Gerontology offered for the summer.  Still debating whether or not to stay in.  Program restructuring sucks.  It usually means that there’s no money being pumped into the program so they want to change it in order to make it more cost-efficient (aka < lame).  Hence why Gerontology will most likely be merged with Health Studies, something that anyone who knows anything about the field are protesting.  You know, over-medicalization of aging and all that.  Honestly, I expected more from this university.  Don’t they even listen to what they teach? 

So yeah.  That’s what has been going on.  Notice the alliteration in the title?  Good for you.  Harder to come up with than you think.  Go ahead and try it for yourself.  In other words, update your freaking blog.


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