Thursday, April 02, 2009

Top Virtual Notebooks

Although I've been swearing by MS OneNote for quite a while and nothing will replace the program in my heart, I am surprised and pleased to announce something that actually is closely on par with the  program. onenote


[If you have not heard of OneNote before, quickly refer to Lifehacker's and Macinsider's reviews.  Trust me, it is definitely worth the while.]




Springnote is very similar to OneNote, complete with the optional ruled template (which I love love love).  Complete with notebook tree sidebar, auto save, formatting, various media supports, and even plugins, for a free application it certainly does the job.  There's no drag and drop boxes for texts however and there is no drawing tool, but what sold me on the product was the "insert equation" feature.  Type in your equation into the box and it is automatically converted for you.  Something essential that is definitely lacking in OneNote!  Did I mention that Springnote also has MSN bot, Twitter, and iPod support?

So if you don't want to shell out the hefty tag for Microsoft Office (and are uncomfortable with pirating), Springnote is fine replacement for your barbaric, tree-killing paper notebooks.




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