Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Well I am sitting in the computer lab at lunch with Courtney and Nancy (we all have no lives haha) and yeah... we are on hotmail and blogging. Except Nancy who is on some french thing at school.

Courtney just figured out how to blog (I taught her!) and once I figure out how to link I will put hers and other people's on here too.

I dont know what to write about, I am on computer number 29, which is not the crappiest computer out there but is also not the best one, considering I had to restart it because the blue screen kept popping up whenever I clicked on anything. So yeah, I am bored.

Well since this post is supposedly about nintendo, nintendo is what I will post.

Never having played that much of nintendo (or very good at it) I don't know much on the subject. But when I was on it I played mario and I died a lot. Robbie and Nathan (I will post their blogs when I figure out how too) were supposed to teach me to nintendo but they haven't yet x.x

Well today is the day back from the super-long four-day weekend and what did I do you may ask? Well I saw Saw III (don't ask it was scary) and Borat, which was hilarious but bring eyeshields because you will need it in some parts. Well I am basically copying Courtney now in what she is blogging about because we're sitting right by each other reading each other's blogs so yeah... I'm going. To the combined service at youth group tomorrow!!

*clap clap clap*
(Robbie and Nathan)


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