Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Zat Is Ze Question!

Can you tell we are watching Hamlet in english class? Man I don't like that movie.. Hamlet is such a jerk and ruins his own plan he made up by being an idiot and causing a scene. But it's just a movie. And it's not even based on real life either haha.

Well today marks the last day of alphabet blogging; I can't believe I actually stuck with it for 28 posts! The things you can do when you put your mind to it...

Back to the Hamlet thing (sorry I'm jumping back and forth between topics here)but did you know that the famous "To be or not to be - that is the question" line is actually talking about whether or not he (Hamlet) should commit suicide or not? It makes sense but I guess it was just repeated so much it lost all meaning. Like even Bugs Bunny quoted it, which is surprising now because that was a kid's show.

Don't you hate it when you make a really stupid mistake that you know you really shouldn't have made? It would be so nice to travel back in time and fix them but of course you can't and so you are forced to live with them, fix them, and get over them. It's another good learning experience I guess to just when you thought you had it figured out it turns out that you actually don't. Sunday night I had a good chat with the taxi driver on the way home (sometimes you luck out with nice ones) and we were talking about the ironies of life, especially in reference to the taxi business. He said one thing in life you can count on is that you are either always too late or too early and you never know what's going on and who else is going to be with you. Sounds kind of depressing but it's funny if you look at it that way.

Today after school I went with Courtney and Katie to Queen Charlotte, our old junior high and visited some teachers that we had. It's funny how much changed and how much stayed the same. Like the hallways seem so different now; they are wider but shorter and the classrooms have changed around some, but as much as they are different they are also just the same. It seems weird that it has been four years since grade 8 when I first started there and three years since we left. And now this year we are graduating, and who knows when we'll be able to get together and revisit our junior high again. It sounds really dorky to be doing that but it was fun seeing the teachers again and reminincing the old times and the memories made. Plus we were able to do all the stuff that we had wanted to do but always got in trouble for doing such as running in the halls, going down the staff stairs, and walking out the door that leads to the misshapen square that was never used for anything.

I was also reminded of my past skateboarding life. Surprisingly I have skateboarded and I'm sure my old one is still knocking around the basement somewhere in some hidden corner but it's funny looking back on some of the not-so-smart decisions made in hindsight. I mean, of all the things I could pick up, skateboarding should not have been one of them. I didn't (and still don't) have any balance and to be able to stay on a rolling board requires a lot of it. So needless to say, it was very short-lived. Actually I can remember my last day I ever skateboarded. I was with Florine at Queen Charlotte and I was there skating along beside her and she admitted to me that she was nervous because she thought it looked so unsafe. I promptly reassured her that I was very safe and hadn't fallen yet; and if in fact I did get into any trouble I could always just jump off. Except that while I was speaking I was looking at her and not the road and as soon as those words came out of my mouth the skateboard hit a large rock and I went flying back and scared the living daylights out of her. And I was forbidden to go ever since.

Don't get me wrong, I love sports and especially playing them, but I am forever doomed with having no hand-eye or foot-eye coordination, no balance, and not a really good perepherial vision - three very crucial things you need in order to be any good. One year at the spring youth conference in Moncton I won a hackey sack from a workshop we did and so some friends and I decided to hack... without shoes. At first it wasn't too bad, but it was when I lunged forward to reach the sack and misjudged the force needed to kick it that I ended up flipping back and found myself on my back in a lot of pain, mostly focused on my bum. I still have that hacky sack by the way; I carry it around in my purse just in case another moment arises to update our skills (or lack thereof). Except next time we are so keeping our shoes on!

Actually now that I think about it I have fallen flat on my back a lot. Probably my most embarassing moment doing this was at the movies. I had bought a large coke and was walking over to get a straw by where all the butter was and right beside the little island set up I slipped and flipped up on my back. On a Friday. In front of a long line of people waiting to get into some highly anticipated movie. With the large pop. Surprisingly I didn't end up getting any on myself, but it sure went all over the floor. The employees were nice about it; they stopped laughing long enough to ask me if I was okay, but I was laughing (and red!) too and managed to somewhat walk inconspicuously away to hide in a dark theatre.

So after blogging the entire alphabet have I undergone a changing of life and perspective? Are my views broadened and my tastes more refined? Have I uncovered and discovered some great epiphany?

Nah. It was just fun.


Courtney Saunders said...

DUDE! remember we also went into the boys bathroom to see what it looked like haha, im so stupid I didn't know where the urinal was BUT we found it haha :), but yeah we are dorks but it was nice visiting old teachers etc.. I kinda miss the school/teachers :( im lame haha, and we definitley should bring the hackey sack out again I still have mine it's on my desk :p. Later.

Anonymous said...

you forgot "X"

sandy said...


i didn't forget X. I just "x"-ed it out! haha...


okay so that was lame.

Shut up.

Anonymous said...

One time I had a skateboarding life that was a lot like Hamlet.

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