Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Eve

It's that time of year again - Christmas! Ín a way I still can't believe it's here. Maybe it has to do with no snow but wow, it's weird. I saw an old friend yesterday and we were talking about how slow time seems to go and yet fly by at the same time. Weird how that happens.

So I woke up today early and then remembered I was able to have a bit of a sleep-in before church today because there wasn't any Sunday school, meaning we get to leave the house an hour later (10:20 a.m.). Which doesn't seem like a lot but when you're missing out on sleep every hour counts! Church was good; wasn't as packed as I thought it would be since it was Christmas and all but then again a lot of people are travelling and stuff but it was good. Afterwards I was going to wrap presents because I hadn't done any yet but then after lunch Friend invited me and I had the privilege and pleasure of helping with shut-in communion. It was cool to be a part of something like that but it was so sad to see these people who some of them their kids don't even visit them at all. One woman hasn't seen or heard from her son in 30 years! It just blew me away; I mean, here we are with the blessings of being able to spend Christmas with our families and/or people we love and there are some people who spend it alone in a room when there is no reason that they should be. Actually there is no reason for anyone to be alone all the time, it just doesn't seem right. And yet these people whom I mentioned are still full of love and faith and it's absolutely amazing and inspiring to talk with them. So yeah, I was glad not to have missed out and wrapped presents instead (which is what I almost did). Afterwards we went to the evening service at Sherwood and it was good but totally different than what I expected. But then again I wasn't sure what I was expecting in the first place. Oh and afterwards, guess what blonde pony-tailed youth leader has on her finger on her left hand? Okay give up? Lisa got engaged!! Just today, which is so exciting. And I can blog about this, because I asked if I was allowed to tell people and she said yes so I'm telling everybody haha. But okay, before I go on and on about how happy I am for her I better say what happened for the rest of the day so I don't forget. After the service I got home, furiously wrapped presents and shoved chinese take-out (Josie had ordered it for supper) into my mouth, but by then it was almost time to leave so I only got one plate which like opened up the grumbly beast which is my appetite haha. But Friend invited me to go to Christmas mass over at the Holy Redeemer church right across the street from Colonel Gray and I had never been to a mass before so I really wanted to go to see what it was like. It was cool; it was like Zion where they had the ushers that led you to where you could sit and it was pretty formal and they had a choir on and everything. Except I didn't understand some of the stuff that was going on so I can't really give a real opinion on it but I was glad I went. It didn't end at midnight like I thought it would've, which was good because it started at 9 p.m. haha. And even though technically it's Christmas Day to me it is still Christmas Eve so in reality I am posting in Christmas Eve time, which makes me still on the a-post-a-day thing :P I would've blogged sooner but at exactly 12:06 a.m. I smelled this delicious smell coming from the oven and it turns out to be cinnamin rolls, which I was luckily able to sample at just 12:09 p.m., except I had to wait for it to cool which took a while.. But it was so worth it.. mmm I'm hungry again just thining about it! Well anyways I'm exhausted and Christmas IS tomorrow and so I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas season and a good Christmas eve night! :D


Vinnie said...

you missed yesterdays post sandy. lol. Technically you posted it at 1:55 am december 25th, which means you missed december 24th. AH HA HA HA!!!

Wow, Lisa's engaged. Our little Lisa is all grown up now. I'll have to congratulate her.

Merry Christmas

sandy said...

what you are wrong, to me it was still Christmas Eve. And I am always right..

yeah isn't it exciting?

Merry Christmas to you too!

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