Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Good Morning

Though a little unsteady on my feet (for some reason I've been feeling kinda weak lately..) my morning went really well. Woke up and got out of bed at 11:24, went downstairs and had breakfast of Harvest Crunch (my favourite!), read the paper, talked to Friend, went upstairs to turn on my laptop and do some physics and received an instant message from my brother all the way in Taiwan! And I also learned that dad can now receive emails, so after I write this I will be able to email my family :)

Since I have given away secrets on this blog before, I think since I'm in such a good mood today I feel comfortable letting another one go: I am secretly in love.

With candy hearts!

I've only had them very rarely, since I never buy them and I have never told people how much I love them. But those candies have a special place in my heart. There's something just so sweet about them in addition to their taste.


Vinnie said...

candy hearts eh? yeah, they're pretty sweet (ah ha ha...) but you're right, they're not the most common thing to see.

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