Tuesday, February 06, 2007

New Semester!

Now that the second semester has started I can finally return to Blogging-For-Sanity-Or-Lack-Of, which was what I was doing all last semester (see various random posts). All in all I am pretty pumped for this semester. I've got biology, psychology, french, and calculus and those are like the subjects I've been looking forward to all year haha.

Except in calculus it is only the second day (first full) and already I am lost on what we are doing. Not that it's the teacher's fault (she seems really nice), but it's stuff we were supposed to know for last semester and I don't understand it from last semester. Saying you'll get a math tutor is easy, but where are they? Is there some sort of Math Tutor Inc. you can call up and make an appointment for a tutor near you? Maybe they are all in hiding or something, I don't know.. But I am in desperate need!!

Biology seems like a good class for funny stories. "What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? It's simple: our purpose in life is to reproduce! Reproduction is what it's all about. It's the strongest driving force we have!" This was said just 10 minutes after he introduces a dress code for the class, because he finds it awkward as a teacher to see "the three B's." I love biology though; you learn so many interesting things. For how long were you only composed of one cell? Half an hour. Thirty minutes after that sperm hits the egg, that's when the cell divides itself and you become two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-six, seventy-two, one-hundred-forty-four, etc cells. And did you know that anything your mother did when you were in the womb whether she was happy, sad, ate tacos one night and pizza the next, affected your development? Wow. A little scary but very cool.

Psychology is going to be a fun class too, I can tell. The Gray is the only high school on the Island (and possibly in the Maritimes) that teaches it, so we are lucky to be able to have the opportunity. What is psychology you ask? Call me by midnight tonight and let me know what you think (it's homework for tomorrow).

Well I guess I could give you a recap of French too, but already I am realising how much work I have to get done for today. But that's life.

Speaking of life, the day after Friend and Florine decided to take all my papers I had saved from grade 7 on and gave them to the recycling truck that came by first thing this morning, I was asked for my biology notes from last year. Go figure.


Robbie Sevilla said...

doesn't matter people will always ask for notes

Doctor notes
neat notes
post it notes

you name it notes

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