Thursday, February 08, 2007

Not Friday, Yesterday, and Orange.

Today is only Thursday but for some reason it feels like Friday - which is probably why I'm blogging instead of doing my homework (again). Yesterday was the Chinese New Year's party at youth group. It was a blast; there was food, games, and clothespins so you know it was good. And though it was ""Chinese" New Year's, Taiwan is pretty close to China and so it wasn't too unpatriotic of me to be celebrating :P

Hudson was over for a few hours tonight and we had fun sharpening pencils (he loves my pencil sharpener) and eating "rusted" apples, white cheddar, and lots and lots of little oranges which we shared, mostly because I didn't want to ruin his appetite for supper and also because I didn't want to feel like a pig eating a bunch of oranges by myself.

Speaking of oranges, he's surprisingly fascinated with the papermache I did in crafts class (grade 10). One of my projects was to make a huge paper-mache of something and I didn't want to make something the same as everyone else so I was sitting one day watching tv and I had the great idea (or so I thought) of making the Tropicana orange, with arms and legs and a face and everything! WELL I had waay too much fun with the paper-mache (I must've put at least 5 layers on the thing) and after much much difficulty painting it (it took me forever to get the right colour orange.. and then I had to paint it all over again because I ran out the first time!) but finally it was done and I was left with a hunk of hard plastic-like structure that no one could quite figure out what it was. I lugged it home embarassingly across the big field and stuck in it a corner of my room, not knowing really what else to do with it.

The first time Hudson came into my room he was like "What's that?" and then proceeded to ransack my bag of candies (with permission :) ). That was two years ago and for at least a year now the Tropicana orange has been stashed away in my closet, never to see the light of day. Until today, when Hudson ran up to my room and the first thing he asked was "Where's that big orange thing?" And so I dug around until I took it out and he said "Woow" and then wanted to know every detail about how it was made and then told me all about the paper-maches he's made and the pinatas he's broken (apparently he's very good at breaking them). Who knew that such a awkward orange could have made such a big effect on the heart and mind of a four-year-old?

Now that it's out in the open, it does add a little cheeriness to the room and so I think I might give him a few days of fresh air before being gently shoved back into the closet again.


Melissa Kendra said...

I love it! It's very cute, I could tell in was a Tropicana Orange. How could someone not? Haha, very awesome. I never liked paper mache though, definitely wasn't my thing.

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