Thursday, March 01, 2007

Falling Captive To The Drowsiness

Five minutes before the Sherwood Annual Meeting and I'm sitting home regretting my decision to not go. What's going on? What will happen? What will they decide? So I'm blogging for a little bit of sanity before the gravol takes its toll and zonks me out. Oh how I dislike side effects of medications. I find even half a pouch of Neocitran too strong and only take it when necessary. And that's the stuff people swear wonders by.

One thing I am excited about is the up and coming nanotechnology. It's working with nano-sized particles and changing and building things from the atoms and molecules themselves. Just how small is a nanometre to a metre you ask? Hold a marble in your hand.. and compare it to the entire Earth. Wow.

And there seems like endless possibilities. Right now you can buy windows that need virtually no cleaning; they are dirt-free and streak-free. There is clothing being developed that is more impenetrable than a bulletproof vest - and without the added bulk. But what I'm most excited about is the advances it will create in the medical field.

Think, for example, of the distress of cancer. What causes it? Practically everything. What cures it? Practically nothing. I don't know the correct statistics but cancer is one of the most common diseases people have, and as long as we have known about it there are only, in this day and age, two basic ways of treating it: chemotherapy and radiation. Which only kill cancer cells because they kill all the other cells too. And the horrible side-effects that come with it is scary to think about. Nothing compared to even two entire packages of Neocitran at once, that's for sure.

But cancer cells, because they multiply so fast, have tiny leaks or rips in each cell. And nanotechnologists are currently developing a type of treatment that involves tiny (even in the nanotechonologist scale) particles of gold, which can enter into only the holes of the cancer cells and nothing else. By passing special light through the body the gold particles then heat up, killing off just the cancer cells. And because it kills off just the cancer cells, there are no side-effects whatsoever! Things like that just blow me away. And I wonder why the government isn't pumping all their money into something like this. It seems like such an astronomical advance in technolgy.

Anyways, something to look forward to in the next few years. Who knows what they'll come up with next?


Vinnie said...

You didn't miss much, about a 45 minute discussion on the donation to the camp. James did mention you however =P

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