Friday, June 08, 2007

Goodbye Grade Twelve!

As Mme. Linassi stated, "Today is the last day of public school you will ever have!"

And since we are a small class and it was last period on the last day, we ended off with a pizza party complete with pizza, pop, veggie tray, and birthday cake. It was a good day.

And that biology project I stayed up until 4 a.m. to finish? He's getting us to present on Monday! Now all that's left is making it to Thursday for my last exam and then it's smooth sailing for the rest of the year, or at least the summer :)

It's going to be different next year moving away, not only to a new school but also to a totally different province. I've lived on PEI for seven years, more than I have ever lived anywhere else, so here it's like my home. I will even miss Colonel Gray! Especially the people. I'm not really close to a lot of people but you know everyone (or at least have heard of them) a little bit, and even with all the fights, the stress, and the general "drama" of high school I can see why they call it the "best years of your life." Next year everyone will be moving away and chances are we probably won't see each other again. I have a feeling I'm going to cry at prom or graduation or something haha.

Speaking of prom, I bought my ticket today! Now all I need is a date ahaha :P


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