Wednesday, August 08, 2007


The closer it gets to the moving date the faster things seem to move. I decided to sell the piano and called Sobers this morning. No definite plans on where my mom will be but last night she told me she wanted to go to Hamilton after all so if she hasn't changed her mind she will be talking to the doctor today about it. She's also finding out today if she can get a flight to Taiwan which you don't want to hear me talk about because I know it will be a bad move for her. But who am I to go against the doctor, whom I had already had a meeting with and explained everything to? I'm just a kid, right?

Man I hate when that's what people think just because I'm not bigger or taller or look more menacing (?).

Oh the cool side, I got my timestable for Mcmaster finally! I don't have any real early courses other than 8:30 in second semester, but then I've also only got one course on Friday so I guess it evens out. I'm looking forward to all my courses, they seem pretty interesting. I mean where else can you take a course in archeology? Do they have field trips in university? Because that would be pretty cool.

I also have an e-mail account with Mcmaster. It's, in case you ever feel the need to send me a hello while I'm up there. Of course I will be using my regular mail but it's kind of cool anyways.

Still watchign that show, Numb3rs. I'm beginning to love it more and more though a lot of changes have happened now I'm in second season. The opening theme gets better but sadly someone gets taken out though I won't be a spoiler and say who. But hey, I've only watched the first episode of the second season so don't listen to me. Want to watch it? Check it out!


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