Thursday, August 09, 2007

Stolen From Melissa & Courtney

Time Started: 9:16 PM

Name: Sandy Chang

Gender: Female

1.) When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water?
Start the water and then get in. That way it's nice and hot already :)

2.) Do you read the labels on the shampoo bottle?
Always. I read labels all the time.

3.) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essence commercials?

4.) Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex?
It was an outdoor shower so we all had our bathing suits on.

5.) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
Thankfully no.

6.) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
Never really tried.

7.) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
Yes haha I drop things a lot, especially when they're slippery.

8.) How old do you look?
Depends on who you talk to I guess. When I was in grade 12 (back in the day lol) someone thought I was in grade seven. But then I get a lot of people who thought I was in university. So go figure.

9.) How old do you act?
Good question.

10.) What's the last song you heard/sang?
I played "The Scientist" by Coldplay, does that count?

11.) Have you recently become a member of anything?
Not that I know of?

12.) What are your plans for the weekend?
A wedding, packing, etc. I don't have much of a social life haha.

13.) What is your mood at the moment?
Frustrated, tired, "screw it", but generally pretty happy. A little hungry. Craving hamburger. No, cheeseburger.

14.) Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
No but I've always wanted to try.

15) Do you ever intentionally vomit after drinking?
No can't say I have. I don't think I could even make myself throw up if I wanted to haha.

16.) If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
The captain! Or one of the scrubbers of the poopdeck. Most likely a scrubber.

17.) Have you ever called anyone a slut?
Umm yes.

18.) Has anyone ever called you a slut?

19). Have you ever smuggled something into America?
Maybe? I was there when I was eight. I don't think I knew what was illegal and what wasn't then haha.

20.) Does playing a guitar make someone more attractive?
No but it would be a fun thing to learn.

21.) Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
We have the PEI Rockets?

22). Have you ever finished off the popcorn?
Yes! Lord Of The Rings + Large popcorn = fantastic.

23). Have you ever turned someone down for a date?
Yeah haha I usually never say yes.

24.) What's your favorite super-hero?
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. I used to be obsessed.

25.) Do you have more enemies or more friends?
Hopefully more friends but who knows.

26.) Have you ever sent an anonymous letter?
None that pops to mind.

27.) Can you fix your own car?
Sort of. I think I know how to check the oil and to put more in or something. I also know how to drive to the mechanic lol.

28). Do you like staying up late?
Usually but sometimes I do when I don't mean to and that kind of sucks.

29.) Are you smarter than your friends?
Haha no.

30.) Have you ever stolen anything from your friends?
Yeah I have this pen that I borrowed and kept meaning to return. Except now I don't remember who it belongs to. If it's yours let me know!

31.) Have you ever been to jail?
On a field trip!

32.) Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?
Hmm I don't remember. Clothes is probably the safest guess.

33) Do you like the smell of beer?
I don't mind it.

34.) Have you ever died or killed someone in a dream?
Yeah. It was quite odd.

35.) Have you ever given to charity?
Nothing significant no.

36.) Would you kill a dog for $1000?
What kind of question is that? That would be so cruel.

37.) Do you ever get depressed?
Sure. Doesn't everybody?

38.) Do you live with your parents?
Right now yeah.

39.) Do you have plans for your future?
Umm university for 4-6 years. Then a couple of years at MCC and then working. Actually I have no clue.

[x] under 5'4
[ ] 5'4"-5'5"
[] 5'5"-5.6"
[ ]'5.6.5 - 5'7 ''
[ ] 5'7" - 6'0
[ ] tall (6'1 and up)

[ ] blonde
[ ] redhead
[ ] brunette
[ ] dirty blonde
[ ] brownish
[x] dark brown
[ ] black
[ ] red/light brown
[ ] Don't Know, Dyed Too Much

[ ] blue-eyed
[x] brown-eyed
[ ] black-eyed
[ ] green-eyed
[ ] Hazel-eyed
[ ] gold/gray-eyed
[ ] silver/gray- eyed
[ ] blue/green-eyed
[ ] blue/gray-eyed
[ ] green/gray-eyed
[ ] they change colors

[x] glasses
[ ] contacts
[ ] neither
[ ] Both

[ ] short hair
[x]medium hair (it's growing!)
[ ]kinda long hair

Your personality is sometimes...

[x] talkative
[x] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[x] laid back
[ ]strict
[x] hyper
[x] sarcastic

You like listening to:

[x] pop
[x] country
[x] Christian
[x] orchestral/classical
[x] techno
[x] oldies
[x] opera
[ ] soca
[ ]80's
[x] disco
[ ] rap
[x] classic rock
[x] punk
[x] pop punk
[ ] metal
[x] reggae
[x] rock
[x] alt/indie rock
[x] emo
[x] foreign rock
[x] lots of different stuff
[x] dancehall

Your confessions:

[ ] I'm afraid of silence
[x] I am ticklish
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark
[x]I've collected comic books (from my old dentist. but then i lost them all)
[x] I sometimes shut out others
[x] I open up to others TOO easily
[x] I read the newspaper
[x] I love Disney movies
[x] a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous smile
[ ] I don't kill bugs
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name
[ ] I bake well
[x] have worn pajamas to class
[x] I love Martha Stewart
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] I am self-conscious
[x] I love to laugh
[ ] I can't swallow pills-not without water
[ ] I bite my nails
[x] play computer games when I'm bored
[x] I have gotten lost in the city
[x] I have gone out in public in my pajamas
[ ] made out in an elevator
[ ] I have been skydiving
[ ] I have been bungee jumping
[x] I have bitten someone
[ ] I have egged or rolled a house/car/telephone booth.
[ ] I have smashed into a car
[ ] I have been fired
[ ] I have been skinny dipping

Have you ever...

[x] seen a shooting star
[x] joke proposed to anyone
[ ] gotten stitches
[x] eaten sushi
[x] gotten the chicken pox
[x] Ridden in a taxi
[x] Been on a cruise ship
[ ] Driven over 400 miles in one day
[x] Been on a plane by yourself
[ ] had surgery
[x] seen a movie 2 or more times in the theater
[x] been on stage
[ ] gotten a black eye
[x] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[x] watched an entire baseball game

Do you like...

[x] old movies
[x] musicals
[x] blasting music in your car/or someone else's
[x] foreign foods
[x] gameboy Pokemon (i'm partial to pokemon yellow. pikachuu)
[x] Christmas time
[x] animals
[x] coffee
[x] tea
[x] summer
[x] winter


Two Names You Go By: Sandy and Hsin-Yi, though no one uses that name. Really I answer to anything.

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now: Socks and a sweater, though not alone (that would be slightly weird)

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation: Australia and Morocco.

Two favorite animals? Polar bear and platypus.

Two Things You Want in a Relationship other than Real Love: Faithfulness and fun-ness (?) haha.

Two Reasons you're doing this survey: Because I'm bored and like weird things.

Spell your name without vowels: snd

How many pairs of jeans do you own?: No clue. Most of them are packed so dont' make me count haha.

What color(s) do you wear most often?: I like to wear different colours but I think it's probably blue since I wear jeans a lot.

Are you missing someone right now? Yup.

What's for dinner tonight? Come to think of it I don't really remember. But I'm heading to the fridge.

Are you happy with your life right now? I guess so. I mean things aren't perfect but that just makes it all the more interesting.

[Do you own a...]

- PS2?: Nope
- XBOX?: No
- xbox 360?: Nadda
- PSP?: Can't say I do.
- Gamecube? I own a gameboy. That's it. Nothing else.
- A digital camera? Of course. I went back to film once. Scary.
- Cell Phone? Yup.

Do you shop at stores like Aeropostale and American Eagle: Sure. For us Islanders just going to those stores is a big deal haha.

How's the weather?: Clear, windy, pretty dark.

When did you start summer break?: Well technically it was right after graduation. But going on the trip right afterwards it didn't feel like it was really "summer" until I got back. Which wasn't until after July.

Favorite pair of shoes: Right now my sneakers. I threw all the other ones out so they're my only shoe shoe left.

Do you own big sunglasses?: Nope. Don't really wear them.

Do you find yourself attractive?: Not particularly.

What should you be doing right now? Packing probably. Eating. Doing something productive.

Who did you hug today? My dog. He enjoys them.

How many beds did you lay in yesterday? Just mine.

Name one thing that you do everyday? Eat.

What's the color of your bedroom walls?: Eggshell white but right now they're half covered in posters (I took half of them down).

How much cash do you have on you right now? In my wallet? One penny Canadian.

What's your favorite sports? Really "sports" should be singular or it should start with "which are". But I will answer it anyways. Basketball, soccer, and dodgeball are fun to play but the one time I played shinty it was fun too.

When was the last time you saw your dad? My foster dad, I saw him not that long ago. My dad dad I haven't seen since March Break.

What did you have for dinner last night? Can't remember but I bet it was delicious! Actually I just remembered: it was a roast.

Look to your left, what do you see? A bookshelf.

Do you have plants in your room? Used to but it got moved outside.

What's your favorite starbucks drink? Not sure. I try to order something different every time I go.

Recent time you were really upset? This morning.

End Time: 10:22 PM


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