Sunday, August 26, 2007

Surprise Sightseeing

Going to church this morning was an adventure. I had looked up Mountain View Christian Church on the internet and found the address and put that through the Hamilton Street Railway (but really just the bus system) website and wrote down the directions to and from starting at McMaster.

So I went over to the campus a little early so I could walk around a bit and explore. Except I explored a little too much and became lost and missed the bus I was supposed to catch. So I kept walking and eventually got to a street, saw a bus stop and sat down, hoping one may randomly drive by and go to the right place. Five minutes later, a bus came the next street over and the driver stopped and waved at me to get in and after talking turns out that it was lucky that I had gotten on that one because the other bus didn't come until 15 minutes later and would have to circle around and it would take a much longer time. The driver was really nice and showed me where to transfer and exactly which bus to go on, which I did. Someone had mentioned something about Limeridge being a mall so I waited until I got to the mall and got off, hoping that the church would be within sight. But the mall was a big one surrounded by different streets and so after walking around trying to find a map I started asking some people. Turns out Limeridge was also the name of a big street and I should've gotten off at a corner a while back. She suggested I called a taxi and so I did. Right after I hung up the taxi came, except it was to drop someone off and not mine so I kept waiting and he was nice and told me he would wait too to make sure that the taxi came. It never did so ten minutes later he gave me a ride to the corner I was supposed to have gotten off the bus at, except that there were no churches in sight and neither of us knew where Mountain View was. He pulled over, called his friend who I guess looked it up over the internet, and then we drove to the church, where upon getting out of the cab I met Elise's mom who led me into the church and it was cool. It's small but that makes it more personal and the people there are really nice. There was even someone else from Montague, PEI who is related to the Herrings! Funny how things work out :)

Coming back home again I walked through the campus and did some more exploring and it was great. I coaxed a big butterfly to crawl on my finger, befriended three squirrels and led them to an acorn tree, and touched a crazy looking plant I've never seen before.

All in all, so far it's been an amazing day. They say Hamilton is a hard city but I think it's pretty sweet.


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