Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Flying By

It's already the end of the 19th, and then on to the last home stretch of September. Hard to believe how fast time goes. In exactly two weeks from today I will have my first midterm. In exactly two days I will have my first pop quiz. in 22 minutes it will be five minutes until tomorrow. See what I mean about how quickly time goes by?

Today I attempted for the first time today to make Hamburger Helper. I added my own little twist by cooking the hamburger with lots of onion (because hamburger just isn't the same without locking in onion juice) and put in real cheese, so it can actually have a little bit of non-process nutrients. The important thing is, the taste-testers, aka whoever else was hungry at the time, really enjoyed it. It's nice to know you've made a good meal. I think I would be perfectly content being a stay-at-home mom, cooking and cleaning. Some women think it's degrading to be just that but for some reason I enjoy that kind of stuff. But that's just me I guess haha.

One thing I have not been doing is washing dishes. I used to love it, but that was when I did it for other people. Now that I have to do it for myself, and I am pretty much the only one who does it, I am not liking it so much anymore. When all you want to do is cook and eat and you walk into the kitchen and there are a mountain of dishes you have to tackle, I can see where it gets tiring. But right now speaking of food is making me really hungry so I'm going to head to the kitchen for some good ol' instant noodle. It's like the staple midnight snack: quick, easy, pretty filling. And hot, for those cold wintery nights. Which haven't happened yet in Hamilton. It's September and everyone's still relying heavily on the fan. Whew.


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