Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Finally I have got the cold. I say "finally" not because I was looking forward to it but for the past ever I've been starting to get it and so now here I am: sore throat, runny nose, puffy face, and all.

Does it help that tomorrow is the last day for ordering my prom dress (yes the one that makes me look like a cake) and chances are I will not be able to make it tomorrow, cold or not?

Oh crap, speaking of cake, I was supposed to make something for the bake sale tomorrow morning. I keep missing those.

Well I blogged (and actually updated for real) so now I'm going to go and sabatoge myself by succumbing to my current cravings: ice cream.

There is a nagging voice at the back of my head reminding me of the stomach pains that come with cold foods. But hey, you only live once.

And if you're going to go out, might as well go out with a bang!


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Blogging On A Sunday

Today was another eventful day.

It consisted of getting up early, getting home late, and surprise catching up with someone I haven't seen in over a year.

It was a good weekend.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Just Another Saturday

This week has been an interesting week. Driving around, winter carnival (at school), prom dress shopping, and drive-thru's are only bits and pieces of what's been going on.

But I will fill you in on just today, since I have some pictures.

Katie, Courtney, and I had a road trip down to Kensington to check out the prom dresses there. It was an hour drive so we took a bunch of mix cds of old songs (Spice Girls, Britney Spears, O-town, etc) and sang along with them, proving just how lame we are haha :)

At the bridal shop only Courtney found stuff she liked. Katie and I just walked around judging the wedding dresses and trying on the veils to be idiots lol. Anyways we didn't stay long and so we went into Kensington and then moved on to Summerside to check out the mall. There were practically no stores in there and so we went to (where else) the Dollarama and browsed around there before heading over to MacDonald's.

After that we went over to Cavendish to see what it was like. There was literally nothing open; it was like a ghost town. Even the gas station was boarded up and closed. Kind of creepy actually. Then we went to the beach, even though none of us were dressed for it and here is where I got my camera out to take pictures:

Then I forced Katie to take a picture of me to prove we were really there.

Back in the car, we were on the road again.

Katie wanted to show us the upside-down tree and so we drove there and I was so amazed I got out and took a picture.

I also got a shot of some losers who sat in the car and waited.

Just joking haha they aren't losers. After all they get to hang out with me :P

Anyways I was so fascinated by the tree that I wanted to see it up close. So handing Katie the camera, I jumped the fence and got to touch it for myself. And yes, it was a real tree!

But when we were leaving the car got stuck in the parking lot. In the middle of the ghost town. Right after Katie had called her mom saying she was on her way home. From Kensington. We were like "Oh man we are so screwed." Thankfully though, after some strategizing, maneuvering around, and the pushes of Courtney and I, we got the car going and we slipped and slided our way back to the car (it was PURE ICE) and got out of there, laughing so hard we almost peed. And we REALLY had to go.

(here is a picture of the mess the car made in the parking lot trying to escape. you have to look closely though)

So we drove back to Charlottetown to Shoppers Drug Mart where they have a washroom and we practically ran around the store to get to the washroom because by that point we were at the point of our bladders letting loose on us. I asked for a key to the men's washroom, that's how bad we had to go lol.

So anyways, that was our eventful day, which I'm sure we'll be laughing about for a while to come.

Well my job is done. I came, I saw, I blogged.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


I have nothing to update about. Just merely updating for the sake of updating.

Well here goes.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Jack Frostin' The Chinese New Year

(complete with rant)

First off the asianess in me would like to wish all the ethnicities who read this blog a very happy Chinese New Year's! Today starts the lunar Year of the Boar.

Anyways, I've got some pictures from Jack Frost I am supposed to be posting on here so here goes (click on them to see full-size):

Courtney and I with the Raphael, the red Ninja Turtle

Courtney and I with Jack Frost

Nancy looking oh so excited
for the ice maze

Me in my little hut

Katie, Courtney, and I trying to figure out how to pose beside this elephant.. before we got kicked off

Courtney, Nancy, and Katie by the ice hut thing

Nancy and I by the ice hut.

I like my future home.

Katie writing down her guess on how many legos the bear has


I don't have anything to say for this one

Katie is excited to be going back down to Peake's

Courtney and I with the Cat In The Hat

Jack Frost overview

Eva, whom I have lost all respect for on account of her not only being 45 minutes late for her own concert but also because she would only perform if the stage was 10 degrees (which meant that the stage had to be supplied with multiple large heaters) and that she wasn't even down at the festival and had to get driven in just before she went on stage, while the rest of us froze our butts off.

And I don't have an actual picture of this but after pushing through the crowd to get a good picture of Eva, Katie slipped and fell on the ice on the way back. Not only in front of everyone but mainly right in front of someone's video camera. Someone, somewhere, has a video of Katie falling on the ice at Jack Frost. I hope they put it on Youtube!

So that was Jack Frost 2007. What did I do for Chinese New Year's? I bagged groceries for Scotland over at the Co-op. Anyone up for some chinese food?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

One Of The Many

things I need to learn is to learn to be better with money. After an eternity of not spending, I went to the store today to get a few needed items, such as shampoo and conditioner. Well I ended up totally impulse buying a pair of slippers I don't even need (but they ARE comfy). Plus I realised I forgot something and when I went back I didn't have enough money left over to get it. And to top it all off, when I came home I realised that I had accidentally bought two conditioners!

So the moral of the day is:

Don't go too long without buying something or else you will go crazy for slippers. And also DOUBLE-CHECK the shampoo/conditioner labels because THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME.

Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow

Monday, February 12, 2007

A Dilemma & Other Things

Picture this:

You are out one night and someone comes up to you with an obvious look of recognition on their face. "Hey!" they call out excitedly. "Remember me? It's been forever! How have you been?" Nervously you scan their face and hope for some clue to who they are because you don't remember ever seeing them before in your life. No luck. After those three seconds of shock do you...

a) Give them a big hug and lie about how much you have missed them (whoever they are) and risk being caught in your lie.

b) Awkwardly stammer out an "Umm sorry I don't remember you at all" and risk hurting potentially delicate feelings.

c) Run for your life.

This is a problem I have a lot. And I never know what to do. Some people when making decisions say to always go with your gut. But by then my gut has already taken option c and as much as I want to follow it it's already too late. What do you do when something like this happens? What do you say?

Anyways, to put a totally different spin on things, we watched this cool documentary on baboons and their behaviours in psychology today. The narrator spoke about how influential a first greeting is to them; how it could determine the way the relationship between two baboons become by that first time they meet each other. And as one baboon strolled cautiously toward another, you could almost feel the hush over the surrounding savanna. I almost held my breath, hoping for a good first impression. The narrator stopped speaking too, expectant. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the baboon reached the other one, slapped its butt, and then ran away. The other baboon whipped around, saw who slapped it, and then sat down. The narrator continued matter-of-factly on about how important those greetings were. It showed more examples of "greetings" made by other baboons, and it took a while for me to catch on that this was how they normally greet each other. Can you imagine! David Susuki, the narrator, spoke about how alike we are to baboons. How alike I thought. And yet how very different..

Sunday, February 11, 2007

What do I like/dislike? What am I like? How do I feel about myself? Who am I? These are some of the things we have to cover in the paper we have to write in Psychology class. Out of all the papers I've ever had to write, this is definitely the hardest. I mean what do you say about yourself? "Hello my name is Sandy. I like stuff. The end." Maybe I'm not cut out for being a psychologist lol. One of the questions that need to be covered in the paper is "How do you see you? What has been your experience with you up to this point in your life? How do you feel about you?" If someone came up and asked me that I would probably laugh. And then escape to the bathroom.

Okay so someone asked me to blog and so I complained about my Psychology paper. But it IS 1 a.m. and I still have to finish up my Biology so..


(P.S. If you're wondering why it took me so long to write this post it really didn't. I just started it and then forgot to finish for a few hours)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Not Friday, Yesterday, and Orange.

Today is only Thursday but for some reason it feels like Friday - which is probably why I'm blogging instead of doing my homework (again). Yesterday was the Chinese New Year's party at youth group. It was a blast; there was food, games, and clothespins so you know it was good. And though it was ""Chinese" New Year's, Taiwan is pretty close to China and so it wasn't too unpatriotic of me to be celebrating :P

Hudson was over for a few hours tonight and we had fun sharpening pencils (he loves my pencil sharpener) and eating "rusted" apples, white cheddar, and lots and lots of little oranges which we shared, mostly because I didn't want to ruin his appetite for supper and also because I didn't want to feel like a pig eating a bunch of oranges by myself.

Speaking of oranges, he's surprisingly fascinated with the papermache I did in crafts class (grade 10). One of my projects was to make a huge paper-mache of something and I didn't want to make something the same as everyone else so I was sitting one day watching tv and I had the great idea (or so I thought) of making the Tropicana orange, with arms and legs and a face and everything! WELL I had waay too much fun with the paper-mache (I must've put at least 5 layers on the thing) and after much much difficulty painting it (it took me forever to get the right colour orange.. and then I had to paint it all over again because I ran out the first time!) but finally it was done and I was left with a hunk of hard plastic-like structure that no one could quite figure out what it was. I lugged it home embarassingly across the big field and stuck in it a corner of my room, not knowing really what else to do with it.

The first time Hudson came into my room he was like "What's that?" and then proceeded to ransack my bag of candies (with permission :) ). That was two years ago and for at least a year now the Tropicana orange has been stashed away in my closet, never to see the light of day. Until today, when Hudson ran up to my room and the first thing he asked was "Where's that big orange thing?" And so I dug around until I took it out and he said "Woow" and then wanted to know every detail about how it was made and then told me all about the paper-maches he's made and the pinatas he's broken (apparently he's very good at breaking them). Who knew that such a awkward orange could have made such a big effect on the heart and mind of a four-year-old?

Now that it's out in the open, it does add a little cheeriness to the room and so I think I might give him a few days of fresh air before being gently shoved back into the closet again.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

New Semester!

Now that the second semester has started I can finally return to Blogging-For-Sanity-Or-Lack-Of, which was what I was doing all last semester (see various random posts). All in all I am pretty pumped for this semester. I've got biology, psychology, french, and calculus and those are like the subjects I've been looking forward to all year haha.

Except in calculus it is only the second day (first full) and already I am lost on what we are doing. Not that it's the teacher's fault (she seems really nice), but it's stuff we were supposed to know for last semester and I don't understand it from last semester. Saying you'll get a math tutor is easy, but where are they? Is there some sort of Math Tutor Inc. you can call up and make an appointment for a tutor near you? Maybe they are all in hiding or something, I don't know.. But I am in desperate need!!

Biology seems like a good class for funny stories. "What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? It's simple: our purpose in life is to reproduce! Reproduction is what it's all about. It's the strongest driving force we have!" This was said just 10 minutes after he introduces a dress code for the class, because he finds it awkward as a teacher to see "the three B's." I love biology though; you learn so many interesting things. For how long were you only composed of one cell? Half an hour. Thirty minutes after that sperm hits the egg, that's when the cell divides itself and you become two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-six, seventy-two, one-hundred-forty-four, etc cells. And did you know that anything your mother did when you were in the womb whether she was happy, sad, ate tacos one night and pizza the next, affected your development? Wow. A little scary but very cool.

Psychology is going to be a fun class too, I can tell. The Gray is the only high school on the Island (and possibly in the Maritimes) that teaches it, so we are lucky to be able to have the opportunity. What is psychology you ask? Call me by midnight tonight and let me know what you think (it's homework for tomorrow).

Well I guess I could give you a recap of French too, but already I am realising how much work I have to get done for today. But that's life.

Speaking of life, the day after Friend and Florine decided to take all my papers I had saved from grade 7 on and gave them to the recycling truck that came by first thing this morning, I was asked for my biology notes from last year. Go figure.

Monday, February 05, 2007


I don't think I've prayed as much in these past few weeks than I have in my whole life - ever.

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
- Romans 5:3-5

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
- Romans 12:12

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
- Philippians 4:6

And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.
- James 5:15

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
- Romans 8:26

Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
- Matthew 21:21-22

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
- Jeremiah 29:111

Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!
- Psalm 66:20

And through the ups and downs I am learning to trust more and more.

Life is unexpected for sure.

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