Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What A Day.

I really think that in the list of the best universities UPEI should be near the top of that list. Working with them today they went over and beyond my expectations in terms of how much they care for each individual student and the quality of support they offer.

Yesterday when I was on the phone with my dad I had mentioned UPEI and to my great surprise he didn't hang up but instead asked about what programs they offered. So I wrote him an e-mail listing every one and asked if he would consider me going there. He told me to see if I could get in first and so last night I went and paid $50 to register and first thing this morning I called in Colonel Gray to get my transcript sent in. Well after 3 tries of ringing for a period of five minutes each I gave up and Friend decided to try one more time. He let it ring for a while too but this time he got the janitor who told him that the secretary was out for 2 weeks. Then my dad phoned and asked if I had gotten in yet and I explained to him how I had only applied the night before and he started scoffing and saying that I shouldn't have even bothered and so I rushed and told him that I would find out the answer by today for sure.

So down to business I went, calling first the School Board who, after speaking with three people didn't help much and suggested the Eastern School District. So I called there and after I had thought all hope was lost they transferred me to one of the Directors and though he said that there was nothing he could do and recommended that I call the university itself, he left his name and number so that if I reached a dead-end he would try to help me out as best he could. Spurred by this unexpected act of kindness (funny how you find encouragement in the oddest places) I called the university and they basically said that they can't do anything without the transcripts and that the school board should have access to them (which I had already asked and they didn't) and that their system is down anyways so they couldn't even access my application. I think Friend must've heard my heavy sighing because he asked to speak to them and ten minutes later we were out the door with my report cards in hand, heading to the university.

When we got there their system was back up and running and so they made a copy of my report cards and said that they'll see what they can do. Then after a break for lunch I had a meeting at the hospital which the half-hour I had expected it to last turned quickly into two and I think we all came out of it a little drained. Or in my case a lot drained, but let's not get into that. So after another half-hour of talking on the lawn (I don't know why I've been so blessed to be surrounded by people who care but I am so thankful for them) Friend and I headed straight over to the university to take the long shot of seeing if they had accepted me or not.

*insert deep breath*

We returned to the Registrar's Office and was informed that the person we had talked to had already left for the day and just as we were about to turn around they mentioned someone else working with Admittance was there. So we met with him and to my great joy they had (during my meeting) processed my application and was congratulating me on my admittance to the University Of Prince Edward Island, Faculty of Science!

I near fainted with joy and practically ran over to Student Services to book an appointment with the Academic Advisor. The person at the desk told me that the next available appointment wasn't until August 16th and I think he noticed my heart plopping to the floor because he was so nice and instead of just saying "see ya" he showed me how to use the UPEI website and register for courses myself and what I need and everything. So basically when I go to the Academic Advisor all I would have to do is to ask them to check it over. I don't know how many times I thanked him but by then my mouth was running faster than my brain and so he was probably very glad to get me out of there.

So sitting in the car in the UPEI parking lot I called my dad and told him the good news and he sounded pretty positive but said to wait until later tonight. So I went home, chilled for a while, went to the hospital, had a good chat with my mom and beefed up the goodness of PEI so she was happy about staying and then went home, excited in the fact that I was finally sure on where I was going to be.

Then the call came.

My dad had changed his mind, going back to how UPEI is barely even heard of and is not as good of a school as McMaster or whatever and so we argued and it ended up with him pulling the "If you go against what I say then I'm not going to have anything to do with you." Which I hate. But to his credit he said it a lot nicer this time and I am getting used to hearing it by now because I didn't even blink a tear. But after being so joyous it was like leaping right into a brick wall. I think my dad heard the splat because after I didn't say anything for a while he told me to think on it and said to call him back tomorrow morning when I have made up my mind.

The question remains: what now?

I had worked so hard for this. When I was going to MCC I had worked hard, even writing and typing out a two-page essay on why it was a good idea for me to go during March Break. I still have the completed application upstairs and the essay that you had to write, plus the letters of reference that I had gotten. But then today UPEI had to get involved and make special allowances to push me through and plus after that meeting I feel horrible for being somewhere other than PEI because it's just so much of a hassle for everyone else. I don't know. Family means a lot to me, even more because growing up we had never been close and it's only lately in the past few years that we have really gotten to know each other. And to be cut off from them all together... I don't know. I don't think I can do it. And maybe I'm being a coward about this, taking the easy way out or whatever, but right now it's looking like I will end up in Hamilton next year. And right now even the enticement of having my own place has faded considerably.

It was a funny day. Looking back it was so cool how things just seemed to work out whenever I thought I had hit a dead end. Maybe even tomorrow dad will change his mind, who knows. God has a pretty good way of showing us how much we need Him in our lives and I think today was one of them. So adios amigos, I'm heading to bed and sweet, sweet oblivion.

Cheers! :D

Haha this always cracks me up.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Changs

I was going through some of the old files on the desktop computer and found some interesting pictures of my family. Here they are, for the embarrassment of all :)

My brother at his prom. Did I mention it was held at the Hilton?

My dad, the cool cat that he is.

And a picture taken by Vinnie, with a few modifications.


"DC-10" by Audio Adrenaline

Do you know
Do you know
Do you know where you will go?

If a DC-10 ever fell on your head
Laying in the ground all messy and dead
Or a Mack truck run over you
Or you suddenly die in your Sunday pew
Do you know where you're gonna go

It can happen any day
It can happen anywhere
It can happen while you're nappin' in your easy chair
Happen at home
Happen at school
Happen while you're scattin' like a scattin' fool
Do you know where you're gonna go

Do you know where you're gonna go
Do you know where you're gonna go
Straight to Heaven
Or down the hole

Do you know where you're gonna go
Do you know where you're gonna go
Do you know where you're gonna go
Straight to Heaven
Or down the hole

747 fell out of Heaven
Crashed through the roof of a 7-11
You're working on a slurpee
Things get hazy
Reach for a twinkie now you're pushing up daisies?

Do you know where you're gonna go?

I love this song, it's one of my favourites by them. Listen to it; it's hilarious but with a good message too :)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Funny how life is.


Well I'm back from a week over at New Brunswick, attending Bayview Christian Camp. Needless to say it was an amazing experience and Deer Island is fantastic. I won't rattle on and on about it now but it will most likely be referenced to often haha. On PEI we are in the middle of a heat wave, meaning 37 degree celcius weather for the second day in a row. Crazy? Yes. Stock up on that water fellas, I don't think it's over yet!

So I guess there's no real point to this post other than to catch up on what's been going on in my oh-so-eventful life, even though it really isn't. Still trying to straighten out the kinks to the whole "moving" thing, but haven't really made a dent. Got invited to some Youth Leaders Conference over in MAC, but as cool as it sounds I'm not really all that interested. Plus it's the weekend of my birthday and since it's a big one I'd rather be home for it. Actually the day will probably consist of me heading over to DQ to buy myself a cake and gorging the whole thing by myself since I don't know anyone out there haha. Wait - do they even have DQ's there? Just joking haha, I'm sure they do =P

Oh man I was watching this show called Numb3rs. It's about solving crime using mathematical formulas. If you've got some time ask me and I'll send you the site where you can watch the episodes they are so good. Like CSI: Las Vegas good. And I like my CSI: Las Vegas.

Anyways it's getting late and there's church tomorrow. I love going to church. I mean I know it's early (and if you know me you know I am not a morning person in the least) but I think it's great that we're able to be able to get together and have fun with other Christians. Almost like camp, except a lot briefer. And with a wider variety of ages. And inside. Well you know what I mean. Kind of crazy how offended people are with even just the mention of Jesus or anything to do with Him. At camp some of us were talking about this and there was this article I read in Time Magazine about this girl who during her valedictorian speech gave credit to Jesus and the administration pulled the plug on her mike. In the middle of her speech. In front of her entire school. How horrific. When I read it I thought it was horrible what they did back then, but then I looked at the date and it was 2006. That was only last year! And really how much has changed?

I guess I'll finish off with one of my favourite songs. It's from A Walk To Remember, one of my favourite movies. Don't know why but I just have it stuck in my head.

Only Hope by Switchfoot/Mandy Moore

There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope

Sing to me the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope

I give You my destiny
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cartoon Sandwich

The closer it gets to the moving date, the more complicated it seems to be. More and more things keep getting added on and now just getting off the phone it almost seems hopeless. Almost. So does it sound crazy that I'm not even worried? The situation seems impossible, but oddly I'm not even fazed. I guess it comes from knowing that I've got someone who can take the impossible and make it into something incredible. Not saying that that's what's going to happen, but I think I'm finally learning in a small way (at least in this situation) to have trust that whatever happens will be for the best. Whatever happens.
Next step: Learn to have more patience!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Lost In Translation

I decided to watch a movie in chinese to see how much I could understand it. So I picked a movie starring none other than Jackie Chan, one that I had seen before, and watched it with chinese subtitles. Halfway through I found out I could read it better than I could understand it, which is really sad considering I only know six words in chinese and half of them are numbers. Meaning I really need to learn!! It's back to the learning tapes for me: "Hello my name is Peter White. I'm sorry, what is your name? Thank you, my teacher is out today." Because those are the things everybody needs to know how to say... Much less exciting than "You will not get away with this! Ouch!" Actually my favourite line, which he says in chinese with english subtitles actually popping up "I hope next time we meet we will not be fighting each other. Instead we will be drinking tea." Classic! If I could learn one sentence, that would most definitely be it haha.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Random Blurbs

I love naps. Something I definitely missed is stretching out in a nice cool bed in the middle of a hot summer afternoon, and then dozing off for a few. It's great when you're tired; even better when you're sick!

Another thing I'm beginning to enjoy is taking taxis. You meet and get to know some really neat people. For the past few months all I have to do is call and they know where I am and where I am going; it's pretty cool haha. And you always learn something new every time too, which is fun. Like for example, did you know that there's an island close to PEI that's practically uninhabited? Hardly anyone ever go because it's surrounded by rocks and you can't get to there by boat; you have to take a helicopter! If you ever need a vacation "away from it all" you know where to go haha.

Did you know that there's a push out to make internet and computer gaming listed as an actual addiction? I was reading an article not that long ago (maybe it was on the plane?) about people who get so hooked they stop showering or even eating. Crazy, but true. I guess pretty much anything can be addicting if you aren't careful. Gambling is addictive, t.v. is addictive, even sex can be addictive too, so I guess it's not really a big surprise that the internet is added on the list. Speaking of addictions, did you know that the most common one is caffiene? You wouldn't think so since it's everywhere but I guess that's the problem. People who drink just a regular cup of coffee every day can experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop. Kind of scary if you think about it. Good for those in the coffee business I guess!

After nine months of talk, Social Services have finally figured out four pages of terms for me to agree to and sign to be able to drive again. Considering it will take about two weeks for everything to be finalized and I leave in a month, it seems kind of pointless. But it was good of them to try and though it sucks that the other person that they were doing this for isn't even in care anymore, I'm sure it will make the process smoother in the future. Or at least not as long haha. One thing I know I will miss when I leave PEI is the people. They're what makes any place really. It doesn't matter where you are, in PEI or on top of Mount Everest, the people are what makes a place your home, and to me PEI is home.

Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine

Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ninety-nine Bottles Of Root Beer On The Wall...

99. WHAT’S YOUR PROFILE SONG & WHY? None, because... just because.

98. MIDDLE NAME? There's just a space.


96. LIED IN THE LAST 24 HOURS? Not that I can think of, and it's obvious anyways haha.



93. WHAT IS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Shooter again on the way back.

92. WHAT MAKES YOU MAD? When people do maddening things.





86. WHERE ARE YOU NOW? On the computer?

85. FAVE COLORS? Rainbow :)

84. WHAT DOES THE 7TH MESSAGE IN YOUR INBOX SAY ON YOUR PHONE? To tell you I would have to get up. You are asking the impossible.

82. WHAT IS SITTING TO THE LEFT OF YOU? An empty glass of milk.

81. WHERE IS YOUR DAD RIGHT NOW? Somewhere? No clue haha.


79. WHO IS THE 5TH PERSON YOU GOT A MISSED CALL FROM? Again, asking the impossible! But if I had to take a random guess probably my mom.

78. CLOSEST BLACK OBJECT? VBS Staff shirt that's on me. Can't get any closer than that!

77. CLOSEST SILVER OBJECT? My watch, also on me.

75. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? When no one is home haha.

74. DO YOU OWN ANY PETS? For sure.

72. LAST TIME YOU LISTENED TO COUNTRY MUSIC? Listened? Not for a while. Sang? Last week.

69. WHAT ARE YOUR FEARS? Heights, spiders, earwigs, and other creepy crawlies with too many legs than they should have. And ones that can hurt you too.

68. WHAT CAN YOU HEAR NOW? The hum of the computer and the fridge. And the wind rustling the leaves. Oh and I think the neighbours just threw something in their rubbish bin.

67. HOW MANY DRUGS ARE IN YOUR SYSTEM NOW? Do medicated cough drops count? I have a lot of those.

65. WHAT ARE YOU WEARING? Jeans and t-shirt.

64. LAST PERSON TO COMMENT YOU? On the blog? Jen.

63. DO YOU SING? Sure, but not well haha.

61. ROCK OR RAP? Rock, fo' sho'.

59. WHO DID YOU LAST CALL? Courtney.



56. WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? Debating on what else will go down easy on the throat.


53. LATEST THING YOU’VE RECENTLY LEARNED? How to play English Bulldog.

52. ARE YOU COLD NOW? Now that you mention it... yes.

51. WHAT DO YOU SMELL? Sadly nothing at all.

50. IS ANYTHING BOTHERING YOU RIGHT NOW? Sort of but I try not to let things get to me.

48. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TOMORROW? The same thing we do every night Pinky... try to take over the world! I mean nothing. Nothing at all.


44. BED SHEET COLOR? Light blue and white.

42. CAN YOU SWIM? Not really haha. I can stay afloat for a little bit but that's pretty much all I can do.

37. FAVORITE SMELL? The bakery.

36. EVER GONE A WHOLE DAY WITHOUT EATING? Yeah but I wouldn't recommend it!

35. UNITED STATES OR CANADA? Canada, obviously!




28. DO YOU OWN BIG SUNGLASSES? Probably but I never wear them.



19. FAVORITE TV SHOW? CSI: Las Vegas, The Simpsons, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, etc.

18. DO YOU LIKE 80’S MOVIES? Sure.

12. BEEN TO LONDON? Only the airport :(

10. FAVORITE SUBJECT AT SCHOOL? I loved grade 10 science, we got to go on so many field trips!

9. BEEN TO COLLEGE? I've been in the building.

7. FAVORITE TIME OF DAY? The evening.


5. SEEN ALL THE SPIDERMAN MOVIES? Not the last one >.<

3. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO? Listening to the new (old) Runrig cd!

2. EVER GOTTEN LOST IN THE DARK? Yeah. Would not recommend it!

1. DO YOU TALK/WALK IN YOUR SLEEP? Probably, but apparently I was really quiet in Scotland.

Is it just me or is this questionaire missing a bunch of numbers? Outrageous!

Monday, July 09, 2007

I Woke Up It Was Seven...

I woke up this morning on a fluke; I had stayed up late the night before and though I remembered to set the alarum and to set it by the bed I still slept through it and, on the day of all days, I wake up with a burning throat. Sounds like the start of a completely horrid day, doesn't it? Actually my day was wonderful!

In VBS I am a leader for the best team ever: The Sunshine Mellow Yellow Lemon Monkey Pigs! The kids are fantastic of course and it's loads of fun, but one thing I can't do for sure is to learn a whole song of complicated actions on the spot, which was made pretty obvious this morning. But uncoordination-of-leaders aside, I've got a good feeling that everyone at the Space Centre will make it all the way to Level Five, possibly shattering a world record! If we were on planet earth that is...

Speaking of which, when asked to name a planet someone yelled "Pluto!" I near cheered. I'm still a little peeved of the scientists that demoted Pluto from being a planet. We grew up learning about Pluto, drawing Pluto, even adding it into our solar system models. Who are they to tell us after all these years that Pluto isn't really even a planet at all? Well I for one won't fall for it. Pluto will always be a planet to me, no matter what anyone says...

Want another pet peeve of mine? Cough drops. "Supposed" to be the saviour of throats everywhere, but it just doesn't do it for me. Halls makes me cough even more, the other ones just plain don't work, and don't even get me started on those anaesthetic ones (i.e. the ones that numb your tongue). I guess they must've thought that maybe if they distract you by giving you the sensation of having the strongest muscle in the body disappear you will forget all about your sore throat! Well nice try but no cigar. I accidentally bought a package and now I'm on my third one tonight to no effect. It's the throat you need to aim for. The throat!!

Well I must be overtired since I no longer make sense and am going cukoo over cough drops. I would say I'm heading to bed, but though it is already past nine I still have a long list of stuff I need to do before I can even think about bed. Namely:
1) Empty out suitcase and conduct a full-scale search for missing gifts
2) Return stacks of folded laundry into proper drawers
3) Watch VBS dvd and learn actions to all songs
4) Execute a complete full-frontal-backflip off of balcony
Okay one of those I made up. Can you guess which one? Me neither, they all seem equally difficult!

Ahh the pleasures of the onslaught of the flu...

Actually though with all my sarcasm it may sound like I was having a horrible day, but really and truly it definitely was wonderful. Tiring but well worth it!

P.S. Strawberry milkshake at DQ = Satisfaction, guaranteed!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Beep Bop Beep

Today we celebrated Florine's birthday, which is really tomorrow. Church was fun too. Funny what you miss when you go away. Not that I didn't go to church when I was gone; in fact we went to one in Kyle called "The Lighthouse Christian Centre" which had about six older ladies and one older man but together they had enough enthusiasm in singing, dancing, and prayer than many churches ten times its size!

Actually in Scotland they have a lot of traditions. Up in Lewis we were at this park by the beach (think Dreampark except awesome-er) and there is a sign asking to "Please respect the Sabbath." When we talked to some teenagers up in that area, they said that hardly anyone watches even t.v. on Sundays, and even in Glasgow, the big city, all shops are closed. They close early during the weekdays too, at around 5:30. And you thought that was just downtown PEI!

Anyways church was cool, especially since now that summer has started there's no sunday school, meaning we can arrive late an hour later (sorry)! Plus the church itself was all decorated for VBS and just looking at it got me all excited. I know I have said this before but if you weren't going to VBS this year YOU NEED TO GO. It's going to be absolutely fantastic, what with the super-agent theme and all. Think "Spy Kids" except way better. You thought Jerusalem Marketplace was cool, check this out. It makes me wish I was six years old again, just for that very reason. I used to tell everyone I was going to be a secret agent when I grew up, so this is like re-living my dream haha. Anyways if you know anyone VBS age get them to go and if you aren't you should definitely help out, because it's going to be "out of this world!" (slight pun intended)

Friday, July 06, 2007

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Well after a whirlwind 12 days I am back on Canadian soil once again, and it's good to be back. I made poached eggs and toast for brunch this morning, and it was good to take a break from deep-fried foods, as delicious as they were.

Scotland was amazing. Egypt to me is somewhere that I would love to visit again and again. Scotland is more where I want to live. But not until after retirement, when I don't have to worry about driving and working and all that junk but can enjoy travelling and maybe have a little sheep farm. I was determined to catch one, and could've if there weren't so much poop around. When you've only got one pair of sneakers, the last thing you want to do is to get them dirty.

Anyways to recount every single part of the trip would take more time than I have today, so I'm going to go register for university and all that junk and pop in a movie or something. After the hectic-ness of the past two weeks, it's nice to just be able to sit home and bum around again :)

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