Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Prom 2007

Prom is overated.

But it was sure fun!

The day started out hectic, but that wasn't a surprise. What was a surprise was my hair: I ended up not getting extensions (there was no time!) and so when I arrived at my hair appointment I had no clue what could be done with it because I wanted to leave it down. So I trusted the hairstylist and practiced breathing when she not only took out a curling iron but also a crimper, along with a huge can of hairspray and though it took some getting used to it was fun having actual curly hair! Not a look I thought I could ever pull off but no one screamed and took cover (that I saw anyways) so it must've looked not bad. Courtney got her hair done at the same place and the same time and they did an amazing job on her hair. In our little "group" turns out everyone had curls except for Nancy but she looked really good with just her straight hair down and pulled back; formal and sophisticated but not overdone.

We all met at the Delta for supper and though everything that could go wrong did, it worked out really well. We were over thirty minutes late for our reservation, but as it turns out because we had booked so early they never wrote it down so that was no problem. Except that our private room was taken which we thought was the only one but then they took us to a bigger and nicer room, which I liked better than the other one. The food for me was excellent: I had the salmon fillet and it was crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, and though it didn't look like a big portion it filled you up. Katie had the pork loin rack roast, Nancy had the lobster quesidilla, and Jill, Vinnie, and Courtney had the chicken fettuccine, which only Vinnie really ate because Jill picked off pretty much all the toppings and Courtney didn't know there were noodles with the chicken. But it was presented nice and I think it was worth the heftier-than-usual price tag for sure. Oh and I have to mention this: Katie and I shared the chocolate triology for desert and it was holy-mackerel-melt-in-your-mouth chocolate. She loved the ice-cream part the best and I loved the chocolate but neither of us I don't think thought much of the breaded part but I think it was worth the $6 each just to have the experience of our prom dessert.

After taking a whack of pictures at the Delta, we mosied on up to the school for prom and at first we didn't want to even get out of the car there were so many people. You'd think we were The Beatles; practically all of Charlottetown was piled there on that street! You got out of the car and had to wait like five minutes to get somewhere to stand, it was that packed. It was awesome seeing everyone all dressed up and looking gorgeous and laughing at some of the crazy rides that came. Then the walk-in was just a long line of what seemed like almost every teacher in the school who shook your hand and congratulated you for graduating which took ten minutes just to walk through and then you went in the school and that was it. You were at prom. The school was done up real nice and it was great seeing your friends and the people in your classes and it was fun. It seemed like they had only played a few songs when it was midnight, the balloons dropped, and it was time to leave. Which kind of sucked but I guess that's a good indication of how much we enjoyed it!

After it was over Katie, Courtney, and I walked to my house from the school through the field and it was so nice just to be outside in the open and though it was windy and misting I think it just made it so much nicer that way. Anyways we all got changed, packed, and ready and at 1:25 a.m. this morning Friend and Vinnie drove us out to the cottage in Murray Harbour where we spent the night laughing, talking, playing games, and taking crazy pictures, not to mention our "pranks" haha. We didn't go out on the beach though because it was wet and too cold but it was still fun anyways. Vinnie and Jill went to bed early because he had to work at noon but the rest of us stayed up talking until 6 and got to watch the fishing boats go out and everything and it was fun. We even saw a rabbit out on the lawn! Actually, funny story, Nancy was talking about making a bonfire and hunting rabbits and stuff and all of a sudden a rabbit jumps out of the bushes and practically flaunts itself out fattening itself on the grass. Talk about coincidence! The four of us woke up at 8 even though we only had 2 hours of sleep, waited a while and woke Jill and Vinnie up (the sleepyheads!), packed up again, and then Friend treated us to breakfast at Berhaut's, the restaurant out in Murray Harbour. And then we all went home (with the exception of Vinnie who went to work) and I don't know about anyone else but I headed straight to the shower and then to bed, where I woke up at five and went out again.

So that was my past two days in great detail. Long post to make up for the long time without an update. Once I get a chance I'll post some pictures later on but until then... update your blog!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"Trademark" by Relient K

I think it might just be alright
To leave what matters out of sight
Old habits die hard, holding on
Inevitable means it's never gone

Told myself what I need to hear
I think the point was very clear
I showed me what we missed since we
Slipped into inconsistency

It seems if my ties with you get severed
I can't seem to hold a thing together
I just fall apart
'Cause that's my trademark

It's my, my trademark move
To turn my back on you
It's my, my trademark move
To realize I should improve
And sometime soon after that
You'll see me come crawling back

I'll kill the thing that turns me away
Amputate the arm that will disobey
Withdraw from everything that's hurting me
Until you finish your work in me

Told myself what I need to hear
I think the point was very clear
I showed me what we missed since we
Slipped into inconsistency

It seems if my ties with you get severed
I can't seem to hold it all together
I just fall apart
'Cause that's my trademark

It's my, my trademark move
To turn my back on you
It's my, my trademark move
To realize I should improve
And sometime soon after that
You'll see me come crawling back

It's my, my trademark move
To turn my back on you
It's my, my trademark move
To turn my back on you
It's my, my trademark move
To turn my back on you
It's my, my trademark move
To realize I should improve
And sometime soon after that
You'll see me come crawling back

You know how sometimes you will listen to a song you haven't listened to for a long time and all of a sudden realize how much it clicks with you? Anyways when studying this song came on and I was like "hey!" and it's been stuck in my head ever since.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I just finished typing and printing off 10 pages of biology notes: 12 point font, single spaced. And it's not even including information from the last two sections (4 chapters). Oh man... I have a bad feeling about tomorrow...

Monday, June 11, 2007


I wandered on to Jill's blog and since I "opened" it now I have to do it... you so owe me.

50 Odd Things About You
If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you!

1. Height?
5"1 - 5"2, depending on who you speak to.

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
Nope can't say I have

3. Do you own a gun?
No these scissors are good enough for me :)

4. Whats your middle name?

5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents?
Of course, you want to make a good impression for sure.

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
I know what's in it and don't care; they taste pretty good to me!

7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
Oh there's so many! "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" is always a fun song to sing though.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
A nice big glass of juice á la orange.

9. Can you do push ups?
If by that you mean push up, yes.

10. Is your bathroom clean?
For sure.

11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
Hmm difficult decision... I've got to say my Egypt earrings, I haggled pretty hard for those and am proud of the good price I got! (Told you Katie I could get them down that low)

12. Do you like painkillers?
There is a love/hate relationship there. Hate taking them, but love what they do

14. Do you have A.D.D.?
Would not be surprised!

15. what color is your Hair Naturally?
When you put it in caps like that it sounds like some sort of product.
"Yes I have a bottle of Hair Naturally right beside me and it is a delightful shade of orange..."
Seriously though I guess my natural hair colour is sort of a mix of mostly dark brown.

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment
1 - "Save your face, you know you've only got one..." song on my mp3 right now
2 - Holy crap I have two exams tomorrow... I want to move to Venezuela
3 - My leg is cramping. It sort of hurts.

18. Name the last 3 things you bought today:
1 - My faithful 60-pack of spearmint gum
2 - Nose spray (for mom)
3 - One litre bottle of water

19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
1 - Juice
2 - Water
3 - Milk

21. Favorite Concerts?
Hmm this is a hard one. I loved the Sum 41 concert because I got to have my hat signed, the Three Season Ant one because I got to meet and eat with the members beforehand, and I also greatly enjoy the various church concerts put on from time to time.

22. Current worry?
Exams >.<

23. Current hate?
Calculus... and exams.

24. Favorite place to be?
This one is a toughie too. I'd have to say the outdoors, because that's where a lot of my favourite places are located. Camp, wildlife parks, etc.

25. Least favorite place to be?
In an uncomfortable situation.

26. Where would you like to go?
I would like to travel everywhere, at least once!

27. Do you own slippers?
Yes, sitting on them as a matter of fact. The floor is kind of hard.

28. What shirt are you wearing?
White camisole

29. Do you burn or tan?
Mostly tan.

30. Favorite color(s)?
I will ignore the American spelling *shakes head* and say... rainbow! But if I had to choose one it would be purple, orange, green, yellow, red, blue, pink... okay I give up.

33. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Whatever comes to mind

34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
I don't remember being really scared except for this one time when I had a really high fever and started hallucinating. I freaked out because I thought the dresser was on fire and coming to get me. I cried so hard my mom had to come and "teach it a lesson" haha

35. What's in your pockets right now?
I'm not wearing any o.O

36. Last thing that made you laugh?
Poor Max with white-out on his bum. He's getting his warts removed tomorrow and they said to put white-out on the spots and he has this great big one right by his tail!

37. Best bed sheets as a child?
My own!

38. Worst injury you've ever had?
You know those popcorn poppers that shoot them out? Back in the day I used to make popcorn all the time from those and one time I was standing in front of it and this hot hot kernel shot out and hit right under my collarbone. It hurt like anything but then when I took a shower later that night I accidentally rubbed soap on it and I thought I was going to die it hurt so bad.

40. How many TVs do you have in your house?
Working? Two haha

41. Who is your loudest friend?
We can all be pretty loud at times.

42. Who is your most silent friend?
Depends on the situation

44. Do you wish on shooting stars?
Never seen one :(

45. What is your favorite book?
There's too many to name!

46. What is your favorite candy?
Oh I like so many it mostly just depends on what I feel like at the moment. Right now I could so go for m&m's.

47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
Hmm I had a song picked out but don't remember what it was. I want a lot of fun ones though, something that everyone can sing along to.

48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Definitely something upbeat. Maybe one of those funky old hymns, like "Count Your Blessings" haha

49. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
Still studying...

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
What time is it? What day is it? What time do I have to get up?


One Of The Many Benefits Of Foster Care

As of this afternoon, I now have permission to leave the country, care of teacher and chaperone. My social worker dropped off the letters by today and now the trip seems much much closer. As stated in one of the letters, the government will even pay for any medical expenses that may pop up and/or transportation back to get treated in your own country (but probably only if it's serious). Pretty sweet deal!

Anyways it's such a beautiful day outside and I'm stuck at home studying for exams tomorrow (and the next day and the next day), which kind of blows. There is a bee continually buzzing outside my balcony door and is kind of freaking me out if he gets in here but last time I checked I'm pretty sure the door was closed... but if he does I guess at least I'll know whether or not I'm allergic to bees!

Yesterday after church we celebrated Father's Day a week early. The food was great and there were lots of leftovers which is a good thing too! One of the perks of living with a family with a fisherman: not everyone can say they had steak and lobster for breakfast!

Well break's over. Time to get back to slave labo - uhh i mean studying for exams. Yes, yes that's it.

(help me)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

"Stubborn (Psalm 151)" by Lee Ann Womack

There's a whole lot of stubborn in this room
There's a whole lot of pride that won't let go
There's a whole lot of stubborn in this room
That shows no sign of giving up control
I've drawn all the curtains, I've turned out all the lights
Scared to death somebody else might see
There's a whole lot of stubborn in this room
And there's no one here but me

There's a whole lot demons in this room
They want it all and they don't want to share
There's a whole lot of demons in this room
And none of them believe in fightin' fair
Some sit on my left, some sit on my right
They talk so loud it's hard to disagree
I'm surrounded by the demons in this room
And there's no one here but me

And I can't quite remember how to pray anymore
And I can't quite remember what to say anymore
If it turns out that I can't have my way anymore
How will I know which way to turn when I walk out the door

There's a molecule of faith in this room
What they used to call a mustard seed
There's a molecule of faith in this room
And a book that says that's all I'll ever need
I don't know where it is but I hope I find it soon
'Cause nothing else will ever set me free
There's a molecule of faith in this room
And even though it's much too small to see
If I have the courage to believe
I'll find the One who left it here for me.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Saturday Saturday

Last night I watched I Am Sam and I have got to say it is an amazing movie and is now one of my favourites. Maybe I was just emotional anyways but I totally cried during it, it was that good. Funny how I used to never cry during movies or anything and now I cry all the time haha. So anyways if you haven't seen it you should, you will not regret it!

So today we had Josie's bathroom wedding shower. Everyone's getting married, it's crazy and so happy and exciting at the same time! There's so many little things you never even think about having to do when getting married, such as renting out the red carpet (and getting the correct measurements!), applying for name changes and getting all the document changes, etc etc etc. But apparently it's very worth it! :P

I love public transportation on PEI. I've taken so many taxis back and forth from the hospital that they don't even have to ask where I am and where I'm going half the time haha. Today I got to ride on the bus and it's awesome. The drivers are really nice and the buses are cool too. We had a good talk haha. I haven't gone on it a whole lot (maybe 3 or 4 times) but it's a lot cheaper than the taxi and with the new schedules it's more convenient so I will try to go on it more often.

Anyways back to cramming for psyc. I've got a kettle for sale, if anyone wants it. It's white, boils 1 litre of water, and only $12! Brand new, used only once, and in perfect working condition. Leave a comment or something if you are interested. You can't go wrong with kettles, just think of the instant noodleing possibilities!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Goodbye Grade Twelve!

As Mme. Linassi stated, "Today is the last day of public school you will ever have!"

And since we are a small class and it was last period on the last day, we ended off with a pizza party complete with pizza, pop, veggie tray, and birthday cake. It was a good day.

And that biology project I stayed up until 4 a.m. to finish? He's getting us to present on Monday! Now all that's left is making it to Thursday for my last exam and then it's smooth sailing for the rest of the year, or at least the summer :)

It's going to be different next year moving away, not only to a new school but also to a totally different province. I've lived on PEI for seven years, more than I have ever lived anywhere else, so here it's like my home. I will even miss Colonel Gray! Especially the people. I'm not really close to a lot of people but you know everyone (or at least have heard of them) a little bit, and even with all the fights, the stress, and the general "drama" of high school I can see why they call it the "best years of your life." Next year everyone will be moving away and chances are we probably won't see each other again. I have a feeling I'm going to cry at prom or graduation or something haha.

Speaking of prom, I bought my ticket today! Now all I need is a date ahaha :P

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

If The World Could End Right Now That Would Be Great

Or better yet, universities could take off the requirement for calculus (and chemistry, come to think of it, along with physics) for everything. Maybe even look favourbly on those who get bad marks or drop out. Because I would gladly throw that junk away right now. This second.

I'm so not in the mode to study for the make-up test. Exams need to be extended. To say... 2017! Or at least until scientists develop a way for information to enter your brain through ingestion or something like that. I would even opt for "The Matrix" way of sticking a thing inside my head, as gross as it seems. See my desperation here?

Today we had the last Scotland trip meeting. Laundry facilities are available for real (not like the Egypt trip!) so we only need to bring six pairs of socks. Unless you are fearful of wetting them often, but you could wear flip flops or something. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Three Saturdays to go!

Today was also the last day of youth group. Was late because of the meeting but it was still fun and gave a chance to talk. Went to A&W and got a root beer float. If I could have one drink for the rest of my life this would be it.

Anyways I had better go and get some studying done. Or at least do something productive, like check out what's in the fridge because I just brushed my teeth and now I'm hungry (never fails). Prom is two weeks away!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Toonie Tuesdays

Two days until calculus make-up test (mini exam). Exactly a week before exams start.

I think it's time to take some good advice from the good ol' grade nine days: "breathe!!"

Haha I *still* remember the last day of school when I jumped down those stairs for the last time and in the middle of my jump he yelled it to me and I near peed myself. Good times, good times.

Well today was an exciting day. Continued to disect the lovely Bertha, who has greenish poop in her small and large intestines (I know because I squeezed them!). Finished watching Shrek in psychology for love and friendship and tomorrow we are watching Finding Nemo to learn about parental love and communication. Sweet! Calculus was impossible as always and French we did our presentations and tomorrow we have to do one of those drug surveys so the government can put into their statistics all about how we are bad kids. Yippee hurray.

Did you know that your kidneys process through 1500 liters of blood a day and you pee out 1.5 liters of urine? That's one and a haf bags of milk! No wonder you have to drink eight glasses of water a day, sheesh!

The daily visit to my mom was a little more hectic than usual. On the way up there was this woman and her boyfriend (?) who started talking to me because she was asian and so was I. She was most interested in the fact that I was visiting my mom and she got excited and wanted to meet her. I saw the hospital bracelets on her wrist (I feel like such a detective) and knew she was a patient there and though I didn't think it was a good idea I didn't know how to let her off gently and thought that it wouldn't do any harm. Well anyways long story short my mom was in a bad state and when she saw these new visitors she was delighted in having someone listen (and probably believe x.x) her story about how badly treated I am and how I needed to be moved, and fast. Did I mention that before I came she had called 911? Let's just say that the nurses weren't very happy with her and had a "talk" about how she was not to do that. If you could call it a talk that is, since it was mostly them threatening her with jail time and her demanding to talk to the police. Anyways after the couple left (not to be rude or anything but it freaked me out having them there because they didn't know her and even though the guy hinted at how he knew she wasn't well, what if he believed her and they went to the authorities about this!) I had to have a stern talk with my mom about how she was not to call the police anymore and so hopefully that will take care of it. The nurses had asked to see me afterwards to make sure that everything was all right and I told them it was and not to worry about it, how she says those things all the time. And they said that they heard I was moving next year and asked a lot of questions about that and gave no suggestions other than that I need to think about what was best for me and best for my mom. As if I wasn't already trying to do that! Though the entire thing was only about an hour it felt much longer and, as much as I hate to say it, I was relieved when Friend dropped me off at the library and I was able to do something I know what to do and how to go about doing it!

As much as I dislike people telling me what to do (I know it's good but it irks me anyways), I would LOVE some guidance on how to go about next year. What's the best for my mom, for Florine, for my dad, my brother, for Friend, for everyone? I don't care what it would be, but if there was some way that would work out the best for those people I wish someone would just tell me so I could do it. I know right now I'm lacking in the "faith department". I should be handing the reins over to God and not worrying about it. And as much as I want to I keep fighting selfishly to keep the "controls" to myself. It's like what I want to do I cannot do, and what I don't want to do I keep doing. In Romans, when Paul says this, I remember being blown away. I mean here was Paul, the guy who practically wrote the entire New Testament, struggling just like everyone else. Chapter 7, I think. But then the next chaper, Chaper 8 (?), he writes about the freedom from sin that we have because of Jesus, or something like that, and I thought it was very cool how through his difficult times he still was uplifted and jubilant.

Wow this has been a lot more than I had been expecting to write. I think maybe my brain is just fried. Anyways I'll take this as a cue to start reading some of the books borrowed from the library! I asked about growth hormones and the only thing that came up in the search was a book talking about how to improve the sex life of the elderly. Not what I wanted in the least but it did lead me to the 613's, which is the non-fiction section for aging. Took out three books. One of them may even be useful!

Monday, June 04, 2007

"Just Another Manic Monday"

There must be something in SPF 60 that instantly puts a smile on your face. Or maybe it's just the pleasure of knowing that you can enjoy the warmth of the day without giving a second thought about the consequences. Not that I'm really worried about skin cancer. No matter what studies say the sun is great and you would be even more sick being cooped up all day. For me, the worry is in the tan. If I'm not careful I will soon be brown as toast and for the past few years I've been slathering on the sunblock, trying to avoid it as much as I can. Don't ask why; one of my quirks I guess :P

Today school was great. Started off psychology by watching Shrek, so we can write about all the different topics it touches on relating to the course, such as love and friendship and all that junk. Then in biology we started the dissection of the fetus pig. Ours is so big! We measured her (it's a girl!) to see what age she was and though they are supposed to be born at 30 cm she is a wofty 33. I am fascinated at how colourful animals are on the inside. You'd think they'd be all reds and browns but there are vibrant blues and pinks and (in the frog) bright yellow! As fascinating as the pig is so far I still consider the frog my favourite. The golgi body (what was bright yellow) amazed me so much I wanted to take it home to show people. But that would be a little odd and certainly very gross and thankfully I decided against it. Still though, it was cool. I remember my partner and I were ahead of everyone else and so the teacher told us to cut all the way around even though we weren't supposed to and this stuff gushed out of it's back, similar to hummus with a lot of garlic (the little tiny grated chunks), but more fluid. And not as yummy smelling. Anyways I was reminded of that while cutting open Bertha (the pig, originally named Albert when we though it was a boy) because stuff gushed out but it was very very liquidy and a sort of gross diarrhea yellow. Stuff squirting out is fine and is expected, but with it that colour it just grossed me out a lot. But right afterwards we had a pizza party (thanks to raising the most money for safegrad!) with nine boxes of pizza and six bottles of pop so it was all good :)

Anyways if I decided to type out my afternoon too this would go on forever so instead I will save you the grief and get back to finishing my book!

Hope you had a great start to the week as well and be sure to enjoy the rest, because there will never be another one like it :D

Sunday, June 03, 2007


My dog Max has Cushing's disease, the exact same as Merlot had. Caused by an overproduction of cortisone by the adrenal gland caused by a tumor in the pituatary. In humans it causes obesity and excess hair growth. In dogs it causes increased appetite, increased drinking and urination, panting, bulging abdomen, and skin lumps, the same symptoms that Merlot had and that we now realize is in Max. It's a rare thing for dogs and curious how both of them have it, but I guess that's just how it goes.

Why is it that as people get older, that's when things start to happen? After years of hard work people should be relaxing and enjoying their retirement years, not struggling to live them! And then there are those who have to fight their entire lives to live each and every day. I guess it's the age-old question of why life is unfair but it's really frustrating sometimes. And scary too, to see what some people have to go through.

At my age you think that nothing is going to happen to you. When I hear someone say that I always think "Hey that's not true! I already know that anything could happen at any time. You don't need to tell me!" But even though I joke about it, who really does expect to die at any minute? I am in the process of making a plan for the rest of my life, and that doesn't include the chance of me dying every three seconds. They say to live every day as if it's your last. But I'm kind of an if-it-can-be-put-off-today-why-not-do-it-tomorrow kind of person. Not the best attitude but that's beside the point. I guess what I am trying to express is that although you may not die today or tomorrow or even for fifty years, don't be stupid and think you are going to live forever. Okay so it may not have anything to do with what I just rambled on about. But as I was typing I got a flashback of some people who were planning to drive getting "loaded" last night and it made me so mad and scared for them. In school a couple of weeks ago the police came to our school and showed a video of what happens when you get in a car accident from anything (not just drunk driving) and have to go to the emergency room. And if you are a guy then it sucks for you because they have to stick a tube up from where you pee all the way into your bladder, where the end of it inflates. If it looks painful for even a girl to go through (thank goodness we don't, I don't think...), I'd hate to think of what it'd be like for a guy. And if you got into an accident and you go to the emergency and all you have to worry about is the discomfort of a tube up your privates, then consider yourself lucky, because it could be much much worse.

So that is my "little" rant for today. A little random and sporadic but I guess that's just how I think :P

Friday, June 01, 2007

Oh No.

So I was sitting at the kitchen table reading (my room is now officially too messy to be in... meaning I must do something about it soon) and when I looked up I noticed a small fruit fly on the tablecloth. Thinking nothing of it, I picked up a Melba Toast crumb (don't ask me how I know what type of crumb it was) and absentmindedly dropped it on the fly for no reason at all. Well after I finished the book I picked up the crumb not expecting to see anything there but there he was, that poor thing. Crushed with too much of a good thing. I am an accidental murderer.

"Seriousness" aside, today is the first day of June, and what a day it was. If it wasn't for the calculus test I don't think I would've gone to school at all, but I need all the marks I can get and even 72% is better than 0.

Walking home from school today I figured out a plan for "the future." No counsellor needed! I'd take the time to type it all out (it is short but lengthy, if that makes any sense at all) but since I missed my quota of reading a book a day every day yesterday, I have to get started on the second for today. I'm looking forward to my next read: when you read the back it doesn't really sound that interesting but it won a lot of awards so it must be!

Maybe for a summer job or something I could be a movie critic AND a book critic, at the same time. Get paid for doing stuff I do anyways doesn't sound like such a bad idea. But who would pay for a service that if they asked they would get my opinion anyways? Hmm.

When I was researching jobs for the French project, I came across this site where you can apply for a job to work for the QUEEN! Well the British monarchy. Like their footman and stuff. From the list of currently available vacancies, I am drawn to the job of General Assistant (Coffee Room). "Join the team responsible for arranging trays for tea and coffee, breakfast and other service requirements for Members of the Royal Family and their guests. You will ensure trays are set with the correct glass and porcelain and that drinks and food items are prepared and presented to the highest standards. You may also be required to assist with service and to travel to other UK residences." Sounds like an amazing summer job. And I bet the pay isn't too shabby either! Here's the site if you want to check it out: http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/page315.asp

Oh and if you were wondering what I picked for a career to research in French (because I couldn't think of the name for anything gerontology related)?

I'll type my speech out for you, since we are to have it memorized for Mardi (Tuesday) anyways:

D'être plombier est un choix de carrière très passionnant.

Pour être plombier, la formation requise est le certificate de qualification et quatre à cinq ans apprentissage. Les aptitudes recommadés sont la capacité mécanique, bonnes compétences de communication verbales, et utilisent des outils et l'equipement pour exécuter des tâches exigeant la precision. Les heures de travail sont cinq-jour par semaine, temps plein, mais de permanence, le travail de weekend et/ou de soir pourrait être exigé. La salaire de depart en L'Île-du-Prince-Édouard est onze à quatorze dollars par l'heure.

Les avantages d'être plombier sont l'haut taux d'emploi, pettite scolarisation, et travail indépendant. Les disavantages sont le risque de blessure, fournir de propres outils, et soulever lourd et les espaces resserés.

Je n'aimerais pas plombier parce que je ne peux pas exécuter de tâche exigeant la précision.

Because you really wanted to know!

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